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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Rushing to class, work or yoga in the morning can be really stressful. We usually feel stress in the mornings because we are thinking about all we have to get done for the upcoming day. This semester, I decided I didn’t want to have these mornings of panic anymore. I wrote down six steps to a more productive semester that range from what you wear to how you text. Whether you already have a bullet journal formatted for your year or you cannot seem to find your keys any morning, these steps will help you organize your life and set up some new, healthy habits to boost productivity!


1. Plan your Day

Write down daily or weekly tasks in your notebook, phone or calendar. Prioritize these tasks so you can distinguish which ones are the most important. When it comes to planning your day, make sure to find time for these important tasks. Give yourself extra time for tasks, this way if it takes longer for you to accomplish something, you won’t feel stressed about cutting into another task’s time slot!


2. Find your Routine

For the everyday things you do, create a routine! This way you won’t waste time thinking about what you have to get done. Face washing, teeth brushing and medicine taking should not occupy your morning thoughts. Finding a routine helps you spend less time on everyday tasks. This, in turn, allows for more productivity in your daily schedule and a little more sleep at night. Also, everyone finds comfort in a routine.


3. Stay in Contact

Don’t let emails, text messages, and Snapchats linger in your notifications. It is stressful! Respond ASAP so there is one less thing for you to do later. Staying in contact is also directed at relationships. When you meet new people or make new connections, reach out to them once in a while (this includes professors!). It is a great networking skill to learn, and you will feel better about yourself as a friend and person. Once this becomes a habit, it won’t even seem time consuming.


4. Recognize your Style

Think about what clothes make you feel confident and what you like to wear; make this your style. It will save you money because you will stop buying things that you rarely wear. This will also save you time on picking out clothes for the day because you already have a signature style. Your style makes it easier for family and friends to buy you things that you know you will like. People around you DO notice your style.


5. Keep it Clean

This goes for your space and your body. Clutter stresses everyone out. Keeping your dorm room or apartment clean and organized allows you to focus on your daily tasks. A cluttered space leads to a cluttered mind and it will cause unnecessary worry. Drink water! Staying hydrated keeps you energized and clears up your skin. When you are drinking lots of water, you will feel more ready to tackle the day.


6. Believe in Yourself

Don’t stress if you get off your routine or spend too much time on a task. Days cannot always go as planned, so embrace the uncertainty and work with it! Also, pretending like you have everything together, sometimes makes you feel like you actually do. Fake it till you make it!


All of these tasks are habits that you will develop. These habits will lead to a less stressful, more put-together lifestyle.

Kali Skidelsky is a sophomore studying Public and Professional Writing with a minor in Communications at Auburn University. Kali took over as Her Campus Auburn President in Fall 2018. She enjoys reading young adult romance novels and thrillers with female narrators. When Kali isn't reading or writing, she enjoys working out, watching netflix and pinning recipes on Pinterest.  
Cathlene is a senior studying journalism and women's studies at Auburn University. She has been a part of Her Campus Auburn for three years and is in her first year as Campus Correspondent. When she isn't studying and working on Her Campus, she enjoys baking desserts, reading young adult fiction and watching Netflix (mainly Friends, The Office and The Great British Baking Show). Some of her favorite things include Disney, desserts and fluffy animals to cuddle. Cathlene aspires to write for a magazine once she graduates and hopefully move back to Los Angeles.