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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

Whether you’re hosting a pregame for your Famous Couples Social or throwing a festive get-together with a few close friends, these Halloween-inspired treats will get any guest in the spooky spirit!


Nothing is more disgusting than sticking your hand into a bowlful of slimy worms! That makes them the perfect sweet treat to greet your friends as they walk in the door. Poor Jell-O mix into a bundle of straws to pop in the fridge before everyone arrives. Then, run them under warm water and watch them ooze out into a bowl (which will gross your friends our even more). 

Make your party official with a signature drink! Pour Sprite and Vodka over ice and have some fun with your friends as you squirt Grenadine from syringes to create a bloody good cocktail.

Work with the Blood and Guts theme by spreading some cream cheese on long crackers and adding a dollop of red jelly on top. Nobody likes to see used Band-Aids, so eating them is even more gruesome!

For those who get queasy just thinking about fake blood, a bowl of cheesy balls is the perfect munchy for the holiday centered around a pumpkin! Give it a sign with a festive name and no one will even care that they came straight from the bag.