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Your First Month as a Freshman at ASU, As Told by Will Ferrell

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Alright, I think we can all agree that Will Ferrell is one of the funniest men on television today, and if you don’t agree with that statement, then you should probably just exit out of this article right now, because it’s definintely not for you. But as for the rest of you, enjoy this little recap of the first month of your freshman year here at ASU by the one and only, Will Ferrell.

Move-in day: you met your roommate, you got all your stuff moved in and now you’re super psyched to be living together without your parents for the next 10 months (regardless of how tiny the room is).

But you quickly realized that living in the dorms isn’t always the best thing ever…there’s always those a**holes that press every single floor, instead of just taking the stairs from the floor below theirs (Don’t be that guy. Please. Everyone will hate you.).

As soon as you moved in, you began to realize that the Arizona heat is significantly worse than anyone could have possibly tried to prepare you for, and you began to question if it’s even healthy for people to live here.

And then you experienced your first monsoon/haboob and found out that, despite the fact that you’re living in the middle of the desert, it actually rains a lot.

During the first week of classes, most (if not all) of your professors abided by the unspoken rule of “syllabus week,” and all was well. But then week two hit, and you realized that you really are going to have a lot of work in college, regardless of how easygoing and fun it seemed in the first week or so.

You may have even taken a ton of credits to be proactive and try to get on the path to graduating as early as possible, but you realized right away just how much that plan is going to affect your daily life.

This new workload inevitably led to at least one stressed out jam session (I know it did. Everyone does it, whether they’re willing to admit it or not).

You probably also learned the hard way that it’s not as easy as you thought it’d be to fit laundry into your schedule, and you may have gotten a bit desperate at times.

And I’m sure you went into college with this great plan to eat super healthy all the time and avoid the freshman 15, just like everyone else did. But then you saw all the great food they have in the dining hall and the little market where you can use meal swipes and M&G instead of actual money, and that plan just went down the drain.

When you started writing your first paper, you were super confident and you felt great, ready to take on college.

But then, a few hours into the writing process, the writer’s block hit and you realized you can no longer even form a coherent sentence, nevermind finish the paper you procrastinated on.

You finally pulled it together and finished your paper, just to find out that Blackboard wasn’t working (again).

You were eventually able to figure it out, turn in that assignment and start to get into the flow of college. You’re still stressed, but you’re starting to get into the hang of it, and you’re feeling good.


Hey, my name's Alexis Egeland! I am from Southern California, and I am a freshman at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication studying Broadcast Journalism. Even though I'm studying Broadcast Journalism, I love to write, and I am very excited to write for Her Campus and keep everyone informed about what's going on at ASU! I love coffee, traveling, kids, reading, Netflix, sushi, and the beach, and I am a huge movie nerd...I love movies and I can't leave Target without buying one of the $5 movies haha.
Her Campus at ASU, is proud to produce content by powerful young women for women.