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Why the ‘walk of shame’ should be a confidence booster

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Everyone knows someone who has completed the forbidden and embarrassing ‘walk of shame’ and lives to tell the tale. Whether it’s a funny story of their heel breaking, that homeless man whistling at them, or even the stray cats that raid the alleyway dumpster. There is always something that those who have completed this trek into the known atmosphere of their apartment, hoping to not wake their roommates and avoid the awkward encounter. 

To be honest, this societally deemed mortifying ‘walk of shame’ should be celebrated. You got some AND had a good night. Whether you remember it or not, you now know you shivered a little in last night’s dress while smiling a little under your breath. Rocking the makeup from the previous hours, nothing is stopping you from heading from point A to B. Strut your stuff, make a scene, and let everyone on the subway know that you had fun, and you plan on taking a day for self-care. It’s a treat and an amazing story all-in-one!  

Personally, I’ve never been on a walk of shame because I’ve always worked part-time jobs very early in the morning (you’re a real fan if you remember the Starbucks days!). However, I’ve seen plenty of movies that portray this to be embarrassing and forbidden, yet the main character STILL looks good! Please do yourself a favor and remember that your nails are still painted, your mascara is not smeared, and you are rocking that dress just as much, if not more, as the second that you zipped it up at 6 pm. 

Treat yourself to a coffee, take a shower, and do a face mask. The rest of the day is yours, and don’t let anyone else take that from you. You are brave, kind, courageous, and fearless. 

JP (they/them/theirs) is a graduate student at DePaul who enjoys reading books, playing guitar, and telling bad jokes. When they're not behind a book or getting a tan from their computer screen, catch them planning their next tattoo. Check their 'gram: @hanson.jp