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Tips to Having a Successful Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

For a school nicknamed spring break university all-year round, it is hard to say what the students do during their actual spring break. Arizona State University’s students have a lot of options for ideal spring break locations: the infamous Cabo, Mexico, Apache Lake, Havasu, and so much more. With the break approaching fast, Her Campus urges student’s to make safe and smart decisions, and pointed out seven tips on how to achieve a successful break if going on a trip…

Travel in groups— We have heard this advice from the moment we got into grade school, but guess what? The buddy system works! Go out with a group of friends, and go home with a group of friends. It is much less likely that something bad will happen if you are in a group of three or more vs. out by yourself. This is true everywhere, but especially true in a foreign country! Hey, we have all seen “Taken”—but we all don’t have Liam Neeson to save us.

Watch out for your friends—if you see one of your friends making questionable decisions, with boys, alcohol, drugs, anything: step in. At the time it may feel like you are overstepping your boundaries, but in the end, she will thank you for being a true friend.

Don’t carry large sums of money — never carry an insane amount of cash. This can be bad at any time but especially during spring break. Sure, always have a little cash on you, but nothing that exceeds fifty dollars. And don’t excessively show it off or take it out of your purse. Maybe even look into traveler’s checks if you are in a foreign country!

Watch what you drink—at all times you need to watch what you are putting into your body. Never take a drink from a stranger, or in fact, never take a drink from anyone that you don’t trust or know wholeheartedly. It is good to make your own drinks, and never put your cup down or let it leave your sight. This is another thing all us women hear but it is SO crucial.

Sunscreen, sunscreen, and more sunscreen—Not only is sunscreen important everyday for us who live in sunny Arizona, but especially on spring break when we often go to places even closer to the equator. Having a sunburn is not only the biggest and most painful downer of a vacation, but it can potentially harm you in the long run. Let’s keep our skin looking young and healthy for as long as we can!

Swimming—never swim inebriated. Now this may come as a “duh” moment for many of us, but at the time it will seem like the greatest idea ever. Drinking makes walking harder, so what makes us think that swimming will be different?

Everything in Moderation—This goes for not only spring break, but life. Never indulge in too much of anything; it will end up making you sick or unhappy, probably both.

Have fun and Be Smart—the whole point of the vacation is to get in some R&R and forget about the world of books, calculators, and homework for a couple days, and if you are smart about your decisions, you will end up doing just that.

Her Campus at ASU, is proud to produce content by powerful young women for women.