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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Last weekend was fall break, so I went home to see my fam and friends.  I decided I wanted to get a head start on my art midterm, so my mom and I headed to the Milwaukee Art Museum. (If you ever are in Milwaukee, I highly recommend the art museum, the building is right on the lake- the view is great). My mom and I had a great time, but we made a few mistakes. Learn from us. 

  • Do eat a good meal before

There is obviously no food in an art museum. My mom and I had a small breakfast before we went and thought it would be enough. As you walk around and try to take in all the creativity and skill, you lose your energy quickly. The air seems to make you lightheaded, and the only way to fix this is through eating. Also, eating a good meal before gives you a fresh mind; going to an art museum you must open your mind to a whole new way of thinking. Personally, I love art and how different time periods have such different mindsets 

  • Do sleep before 

Sleep is important in any setting but again with the environment of an art museum you want to make sure your head is clear. Walking around to see either a landscape,  sculpture,  portrait, or a new illusion is all-inclusive. You need your body and mind to be in top shape when entering a place with many ideas expressed in such a unique way. Each artist has a special message he or she is trying to convey; figuring out what they meant is where the fun lies. When my mom and I went, we were amazed at the 300-year-old art with portraits of children; seeing how well the artist captured the rosiness of their cheeks to the intricacies of their hands was breathtaking. We also got to see the modern exhibit, where an artist used paint and broken plates to convey his message. Looking at the details requires a good night’s sleep beforehand.

  • Do wear a cute outfit

Feeling good and looking good go hand in hand. Whenever I go to an art museum, I like to dress up a little, looking sophisticated gives me more confidence when analyzing each piece. Furthermore, I find as a college student there are not many times when we get to dress up, so it’s fun to put on some nicer clothes. Fashion is a form of art and part of the entire experience. Not only do I observe the art, but I also observe the people. Public places, like museums, are great for people watching, and seeing how certain personalities respond to the art is interesting. Each outfit gives a message, just as a painting does. 

  • Don’t stand too long at one painting

Art museums have so many pieces to see, so to see most of the work you have to keep moving. Focusing on one painting can be tiresome because after a while it seems bland; I’ve found coming back to a piece is better because you can notice different things with each viewing. Each museum has a different flow, so going through each section reveals something new. My mom and I started at the windows with a view of the lake, moved to contemporary art, then to old roman art, and then on to a quilt exhibit. There was just so much to see! Also, with the unique air, you can get dizzy if staying in the same place for too long.

  • Don’t talk too loudly

Embarrassing story moment! My mom and I were at the Art Institute in the city of Chicago one summer, and we started laughing like crazy over a dumb joke. You should have seen the strange looks we got! Art museums are a place to learn and take in new information, so it tends to be quite serious. People expect to just simply observe. There is also a target audience for those who go to art museums; you are not going to find rowdy teenagers or sports fans. It is a special place to expand the mind, so near silence is expected. I’d rather love silence because then the mind can think without distraction. Honestly, I love libraries for that reason: A place to openly learn.

I highly recommend visiting an Art Museum, Milwaukee’s, in particular, because the view of the lake is positively stunning. The Milwaukee Art Museum is just as enticing as the architecture of the building. It’s in the shape of a boat! I enjoyed not only getting ahead on my homework, but also having fun with my mom in a unique space. I hope all of you try going to an art museum, use my dos and don’ts, and expand your mind!

Hey, I'm a coffee addict, gym lover, travel junkie, and overall a curious person willing to work hard to make dreams possible. I believe in compromise, kindness, and justice; I hope to contribute creatively and effectively to the magazine. Insta: renee_rissmann