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Straight from Seniors; Advice on College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

As my Facebook Timeline begins to blow up with pictures of caps and gowns, the air begins to feel extra hot, and my scholarship meetings are ending with words of advice from seniors, it’s that time of the year when college students are ending their undergraduate careers. Being a sophomore, I’ve come to that “Oh, gawwwd, I’m getting old!” stage where I realize that my own undergraduate career is halfway over (or, halfway begun, says the optimist wihin me).

Seeing the comparison of where I thought I’d be, and where I actually am, I have discovered that I’ve been exceeding in some areas and not doing so hot in others. So, I’ve gone and asked soon-to-be college graduates to give me the dirt on some of their regrets, and advice for the best college experience. The following are some replies from ASU students.

Angelee M. Study abroad! 

Laura V.S. I’m not a senior, but bring a sleeping mask and earplugs to the dorms and keep a scrapbox (like a scrapbook but you don’t have to put time into it) for little sentimental trinkets.

Preston H. Use RateMyProfessor.com as much as possible, do the best you can, don’t worry about trying to be perfect in your classes. Enjoy the great people you get to meet! 

Aaron H. In addition to what Preston said, I’d recommend building relationships with the professors from the very beginning because if you do so, they’ll be more willing to negotiate with you about your grade.

Clara O. Get a planner and really write down due dates for assignments and important dates. Don’t procrastinate! Schedule time to complete assignments in manageable phases. Also, take time to network with professors and guest speakers, you never know, in the future you may need them to be a reference or they could be a job prospect. Lastly, meet with your advisor regularly to ensure you are taking the correct classes and that you are on schedule.

Breana B. Do what you want to do (take the classes you want to take, join the clubs you find interesting, etc), and not what you think others expect you to do. Had I not done this, I wouldn’t have changed my major so many times or waited so long to add my minor. Do your best in classes; focus on learning the material instead of perfection. Don’t be afraid of failure, and especially don’t let that fear prevent you from having fun in college and seizing/applying for opportunities.

Kels R. Get involved – join campus activities, don’t stress over things you have no control over (ex. black board being down for a week). Take one night each week to do something fun with the people you enjoy spending time with. Go to your own graduation. Can’t believe how many people don’t. Live with roommates you don’t know already. This is how you will meet new people and make great friends, don’t be afraid to ask for help, study groups (fb groups for classes) are a great help!


All in all, I got that I really need to just live life up in college, grasp at opportunities like life jackets, and get involved! College isn’t about being perfect, it’s about becoming a better version of yourself. Hopefully, you’ll have a great summer, get to refresh, and come back next fall ready to follow some of these insightful tips!


Her Campus at ASU, is proud to produce content by powerful young women for women.