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Spring Cleaning 101

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

With the weather getting warmer and flowers blooming means spring is right around the corner and we all know that means it’s time to clean out our closets. Cleaning out your closet can be a tedious task, but if you follow these five easy steps, your closet will be ready to make room for new fashion must-haves in no time.



Step 1: Stains, holes, and worn


If anything has a stain, rip, or is too worn through, get rid of it NOW! No one wants to see the pit stains on your white shirt… Trust me on this. That grease stain/ wine stain? Not cute. Let it go. There are plenty of other options out there so stop settling for less than you deserve. 


Holes never work out. They are like the little voice in your head, except instead of getting louder, they get bigger. Most holes are awkward and beyond repair. I am guilty of holding onto clothing I have ripped because the one time I wore it was not enough. We keep thinking we will wear it again sometime, but we all need to stop lying to ourselves. It will never be worn again. Toss it.


Clothing that is so worn will never look cute. More likely than not a hole is about to emerge. Do yourself a favor and kick it to the curb before this happens. Be proactive here people. You won’t regret it.



Step 2: Stop lying to yourself


We all know you will never wear that Hollister polo or those True Religion flare jeans again. I know you all owned these and I know how hard they can be to get rid of. We all wanted to look like Kristin from the Hills. I get it. It is now 2014 and those days have past. No one should ever wear three polos layered on top of each other. You are not living in 2003 anymore so say goodbye let it all go. Getting rid of these gems are a lot like ripping off a Band-Aid. You are scared at first but once it is done, it is done. You never look back. 



Step 3: Does it fit?


Do you ever reminisce on the good old days when you were a freshman in high school and you were probably 20 pounds thinner? I can relate. We all hold on to jeans that used to fit but no longer do because one day we are determined to fit into them again. Get rid of these now. Now I am not saying that you will never get back to that size again, but you do not need to go back to your freshman year jeans. If you lose the weight, you deserve a reward. Go buy yourself some new clothes! You earned it.


Step 4: When was the last time you wore it?


If you forgot you had it, there is a good possibility that you do not need it. Too many times I have found shirts hidden in the back of my closet that I had forgotten I even owned. If I could not even remember I had it, how important was it really? 



Step 5: Would you buy it again?


Was that shirt really to die for? Did you really need it? Many times we buy on impulse and end up wearing an outfit once, maybe twice. We are all guilty of this. Do not be guilty of letting these pieces clutter up your closet. If you would not buy it again, get rid of it. There is no need to hold onto clothing that causes clutter in your closet. 



I hope these steps help get you through your spring cleaning. Good luck and may the odds be forever in your favor. 

Her Campus at ASU, is proud to produce content by powerful young women for women.