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So you want to study abroad? Well, what are you waiting for?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Studying abroad has been a whirlwind of emotions. I can easily say that these past four months have been the time of my life. If you have the slilghtest thought in tudying abroad, DO IT! I highly recommend that everyone study abroad while they can. Don’t worry about the money, don’t worry about being alone, just go for it. Trust me when I say that you will not regret it. Llive while you are young and your troubles are small and save your worries for your 30’s. Nothing can put a price on the experiences you will have and memories you will make abroad.



With my semester coming to an end here in Rome, Italy, I can’t help but become nostalgic. Time really does fly by so NEVER take your time abroad for granted; live every moment. Now, I do not say this lightly. Seriously live every moment because you do not know when you will be back. Travel as much as you can because you will never be able to book an $80 round trip to Paris again.


Within my four months in Rome, I traveled to Paris, Prague, Malta, Ireland, Barcelona twice, London, Munich, Amsterdam, and over nine places within Italy. Travel is cheap and each country is different from one another. Experience as many as you can.



Do things you have never done before. I can now say I have been to an Opera in Prague, Flamenco dance show in Spain, and wine tasting in Tuscany; I have seen Capri zipping through on a speed boat, ridden in gondalas down the canals of Venice and hiked the towns of Cinque Terre. When I say the time is now, the time is NOW. Stop procrastinating and live your wildest adventures. 



Talk to people and make friends with locals when you are abroad and take this back home with you. By talking to locals and having them become my tour guides, I have seen much more of a city than any tour guide would be able to show me. One night I was just talking to some locals at a restaraunt and I met two gelato shop owners and ended up getting a private tour of their gelato shop at 3 am. When I say I laid eyes on all the gelato I could ever want, I am not lying. One night I attended my favorite band’s concert in Rome, and by getting to know people, I was later invited to hang out with the band after their show. Never stop learning and taking everything in while you are abroad. Immerse yourself in the culture from each country you visit and become apart of it. I promise you will not regret this. 



One important piece of advice I have for those plannign to go abroad is to never forget to fall in love with your host country. Although you should travel as much as possible, you must not forget why you choose to study in the country you did. Go see as many sights, eat as much of the native food and go exploring in and off the beaten path. I have stumbled upon some amazing sights here in Italy just from getting lost. Appreciate your host country and live in it. Go out as much as you can because no one ever remembers their night in. You’re here for only four months so make the most of it. While abroad, you learn to appreciate the little things. When you are in an unfamilar country, you appreciate everything. This is one trait that will carry with you when you arrive back home. When you return home from abroad, you will appreciate so many more of the little things in your home country. The little things were what you missed the most. 



Studying abroad definitely has it’s highs and lows. Beware of pickpocketerss; It can happen anywhere, anytime and especially when you least expect it. My phone was recently stolen on the beach in Barcelona. Yes this was not the best night of being abroad, but it sure is a story now. Just remind yourself: This too shall pass. Find humor in your not so great moments. 



Going abroad will change you. You will become more cultured, your perspective on many things will change, you will realize who and what is important to you and who and what is not worth your time.You will learn to never take life for granted and to live in every moment. No country is the same and you will fall in love with each one in a different way. Take it all in. Experiences hold so much more value than anything money could buy. While abroad you learn that all the pity things you were mad at or stressed over in America are just that: they are pity. You learn that these things really do not matter and that there is so much more in this world. Your life is microscopic compared to everything out there and those small issues, they are irrelevant in the bigger picture. Lastly, I think going abroad really helps you evaluate those in your life. You see who cares enough to keep in contact with you and who you care enough to keep in contact with. You see who you miss and who you crave. Many people fall under the radar and that is okay. You only need those you truly value. 



So you want to go abroad? What are you waiting for! Go for it and never look back. I am not going to sit here and tell you every day abroad was perfect, but I will say everyday was worthwhile. With my trip coming to an end I am sad to say goodbye, but I am even more excited to take back the memories I have made. I am excited to share my experience with others in hopes they someday will obtain the same experiences. I know I will be back if its the last thing I do. Europe has stolen my heart and Iknow I am never getting it back.


Her Campus at ASU, is proud to produce content by powerful young women for women.