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From Self-Doubt to Self-Love: I AM THAT GIRL

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Self-worth is determined by a girl’s physical, emotional, and mental health. Unfortunately, many girls in today’s society surround themselves with self-doubt and lack a sense of empowerment.

I AM THAT GIRL is an organization with the determination of transforming this self-doubt into self-love. It’s rooted in teaching emotional intelligence, professional skills, and personal development.

Alexis Jones, founder and author of I AM THAT GIRL, an internationally recognized speaker, and CBS ‘Survivor’ star, hopes that media outlets can be recognized as a medium to build confidence in girls instead of tearing them down. Being involved in entertainment gave Jones an insight to the industry—one that is responsible for its influences in girls that cause insecurities and competition. 

“I founded I AM THAT GIRL, an organization building an online and offline community devoted to inspiring and empowering girls to discover their innate worth and purpose,” Jones stated in her Huffington Post article “That Girl Rocks!”

Thanks to two students,Tamsyn Stonebarger and Amanda Luberto of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, I AM THAT GIRL is now proudly an ASU chapter!


Amanda Luberto and Tamsyn Stonebarger, founders of the ASU chapter of I AM THAT GIRL

(Photo courtesy of Facebook)

ASU is second to NAU in establishing this organization in Arizona. Since ASU is the largest public university in the nation, Tamsyn and Amanda says that it only makes sense that we also have the largest population of confident girls.

“We both love our school and only want the best for its students and we really think that it could help. It’s really easy to get involved also,” said Amanda.

In the ASU chapter of I AM THAT GIRL, the girls plan to go to volunteer events, speak at local high schools, and host general meetings about important issues that affect women internationally.

If you’re interested in joining the ASU chapter, email Tamsyn and Amanda at Iamthatgirlasu@gmail.com or visit IATG’s website for more information.

Be sure to follow their Facebook and Twitter account (@IATGASU) for upcoming meetings!


(Photo courtesy of http://www.iamthatgirl.com)

Her Campus at ASU, is proud to produce content by powerful young women for women.