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Kicking the Skeletons Out of Our Closets

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

You know the saying, “We all have skeletons in our closets,”? Well, I think spring cleaning is the perfect time to kick those old bones out. Now, yeah, usually spring cleaning is to get rid of all those clothes you are either (in my case) too lazy to get rid of or can’t help but think you might need it one day (something I also do). Then there’s the random trinkets and weird little things you forgot you had but end up finding in the deep unknown of your drawers and beds. But we can’t forget the worst of them all: emotional baggage.



Sometimes, it’s in the shape of a braclet your ex gave you that you can’t seem to part with because, well, there’s always the what if feeling. Or it’s just really hard to let go of something that made you happy, once upon a time. Whether it be a gift from a significant other, friend or anyone. The truth is, humans can sometimes be hoarders.


When I mean hoarders, I don’t necessarily mean like Leslie Knope in Parks and Recreation that apparently thought everything was worth keeping.


I mean, have you seen how her house looked like in the beginning? Crazy mess! My mother would have a heart attack.


But anyways, I think it’s safe to say we’re all guilty of keeping something we definitely don’t need for emotional purposes. And it’s okay, it’s human. However, after watching a bit of the Netflix show of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, I realized that Kondo had a point.



And to give a bit of context on the show here, it’s about a woman, Marie Kondo, who is hired by people to help clean up their houses and usually their emotional baggage as well.


There’s one corny, but good piece of advice I think is perfect to keep in mind during spring cleaning–or any sort of cleaning during the year. Kondo explains a method in which she believes will help people tidy up and organize their lives and it’s called the KonMari method.The method insipiring you to throw away the physical things in your life that don’t make you happy anymore.



When I first heard it, I thought, meh, too corny. But then I eventually realized that she definitely has a point. It sounds like such a simple thing to do and in a way, it kind of is.


I’m usually the worst at making decisions, so trying to get rid of stuff is such a struggle for me but maybe if I look at things the way Kondo believes we should, maybe I can get somewhere.


I know that a lot of us attach our memories and emotions into things. Sometimes though, if you do it too often, especially with things that make you sad, it can make you too dependent on them.


Now, I don’t think we should get rid of all our stuff, like a family heirloom or a hat that a loved one made you.


Instead, try to see what baggage is feeling too heavy. If something gives you truly good memories, then keep it. If something hurts you more than makes you smile, maybe it’s time to let go of it.


I know a lot of emotional hurt isn’t always physical but sometimes we have a way of attaching it to things. Even though letting go of the items won’t completely make everything better, it could be a step in the right direction of releasing that emotional baggage.


So, I guess all I can really say is, good luck with your spring cleaning! Kicking those skeletons out of our closets isn’t always easy, but it’s possible.


Diana Arellano Barajas is a junior at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication in Arizona State University. She LOVES creating: graphics, animation, video editing, it's all fair game! Originally from a small town in Mexico, Diana currently resides in Phoenix. In her free time, if she isn't found attached to a book, she's writing about everything and anything including experimenting with visual content. Excited to write for HerCampus, Diana's ready to make readers smile, laugh, and possibly cry (in a good way). Feel free to contact her here: dianaarellano753@yahoo.com