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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

I noticed how she knew everyone
And everyone knew her
Her fame was presented not just in her friend group
But her dreams

She thought to be a writer
So I sought out to send her texts like a novelist
With a plot line never-ending
A series boundless

I overthink my grammatical choices
But she doesn’t care
She tells me quietly
That she also re-reads her texts before sending them to me

I told her I would never want to send something incorrect
Because why publish unfinished work?
I read everything carefully over
She holds the binding to my stiff spine

Yet to lay her hands on me.

JP (they/them/theirs) is a graduate student at DePaul who enjoys reading books, playing guitar, and telling bad jokes. When they're not behind a book or getting a tan from their computer screen, catch them planning their next tattoo. Check their 'gram: @hanson.jp