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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Halloween has been emphasized this month more than ever at the ASU Downtown Campus, and after the sweet treats, scary costume contests, and spooky dances, I am ready to wind down on October 31st with a few Halloween movies to end the night. 

If you are looking for a movie-req for this upcoming weekend, look no further, you’ve found my top three Halloween-themed movies and will be delightfully spooked!

Coming up as my favorite Horror/Thriller movie is Child’s Play! This is the 2019 modern technological twist on the classic horror film that originated in 1988. This movie correlates the terrifying actions of a child’s toy with improper programming. Unlike in the 1988 version, the Chucky doll is not possessed by voodoo magic, but instead lacks the proper coding that prohibits the technologically-advanced doll from committing harmful acts unto its owner. 

The newest version of the Chucky doll provides modern fears of technology working against humans, but effectively makes the audience sympathize with the doll because after all… it’s just the doll’s coding that is making him act violently. This movie will leave you with chills, but thankfully able to sleep with both eyes closed at the end of the night. 

In the second place, with the genre of Psychological/Thriller, Shutter Island, is a movie that will bring tears as much as it will bring shocks of fear. The storyline consists of one U.S. Marshall’s experience uncovering the secrets of an asylum in which he is stuck. This is a sit-down movie for a quiet audience since the rich storyline begs to be followed closely.

Viewers experience the shocking revelations of the insane asylum as though they are the patient, and at the end, are left devastated with one final quote… “Which would be worse? To live as a monster, or to die a good man.” The quote alone has a meaning that is derived from our own experiences, but when added to the context of the film… viewers are left devastated. 

The final Halloween-themed movie that has made it into the ranks of ‘Top 3’ is a movie for viewers that do want to stare at the corner of the t.v. screen in fear! The classic Family & Friends Genre movie, Monster House, is the perfect rewatch for the spooky season. This movie created a heartfelt reason behind the children’s concept of a ‘crazy-neighbor.’ Similarly to Shutter Island, viewers will need to wait until the end to find out the intended twist of the movie, but nevertheless, this PG movie combines a scary concept with a heartfelt ending that is all wrapped up in an animated, non-gory, film experience. 

Enjoy this season, our dear readers, and stay sweet!

Today is going to be a good day ladies! Welcome to Maya's account as she begins her journey at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University. Maya's goal is to work within columnist writing to analyze concepts for the community of students and families of Arizona.