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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Name: Greg Scalia

Age: 19

Year: Sophomore

Major: Marketing

Hometown: Aurora, Colorado

How did you become interested in Ultimate Frisbee?

I played a lot of pickup Ultimate in high school (Pickup is where friends come together and play for fun without tournaments). I talked to guys playing and tried out for the team my freshman year of college. I’ve been playing every year since.

What’s your biggest accomplishment in Ultimate Frisbee?

Making A team (also called Prime) this year. It was a big goal for me. I wanted to make it junior year but since I made it as a sophomore I feel so accomplished. The A team is planning to go to nationals and it’s a realistic goal. We travel out of state to tournaments often. In the nation there are only 16 teams that go. I’m proud to play for one of the best teams in the nation.

What other talents do you have besides Ultimate?

Guitar, I’m in two bands, and I’m a pretty kickass barista (Starbucks).

Where do you see yourself in five years?

 I see myself, if everything goes as planned, advertising for a record label. Like, figuring out how to get music out to people who would like it. As far as sports goes, that’s what I want to do if music doesn’t work out. I’d love to keep playing in adult leagues. Until my body breaks down I will never stop playing Ultimate.

What do you do when you aren’t playing?

 Studying, hanging out with my girlfriend Haley, more frisbee, eating constantly, and working.

What advice can you give people who want to get into it?

Practice. That’s the name of the game. If you don’t practice you wont get better. Ultimate is a sport where you can see results fast if you work hard enough. Nothing is handed to you. It’s not easy at all.

Is athleticism a quality you look for in girls?

 Yes. No doubt about that. Either athleticism or the drive to stay fit. I love that my girlfriend works out all the time.

What’s your ideal date for you and your girlfriend?

 I really like food dates. Good food, it doesn’t matter what it is.  Also, Haley and I really love going to concerts together. We go to pop/punk shows and local shows.

Any other information you’d like to share?

 I put 10 hours a week into Ultimate. We practice Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 9-11 pm. So I only get 6 hours dedicated playing time. The other time I spend practicing writing out plays, working through strategies, and running. Its pretty much a second job.  With how much of a sport it is and how much athleticism it takes, it doesn’t get the recognition it gets. The ability to make good plays is so cool and so much fun to do. It’s even fun to watch. 

I am a sophomore pursuing a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University
Her Campus at ASU, is proud to produce content by powerful young women for women.