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Campus Cutie: Hans Rodriguez

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Age: 18

Year: Freshman

Major: Journalism

Relationship status: Single

Hometown: Yuma, Arizona

HC: Why did you choose ASU?

HR: I chose to attend ASU because I knew the opportunities to make a difference would be more prominent here than at another academic institution.

HC: What is your favorite thing about Arizona State?

HR: My favorite thing about Arizona State is the universal pride for the university amongst students.

HC: What are your career aspirations?

HR: I plan on traveling across the world to document and report on topics that would otherwise be unknown. Whether I’m a freelance journalist or foreign news correspondent, exploration is going to be a part of my future.

HC: What is something you want to do before graduation?

HR: I plan to take a cross-country road trip with good friends, hike some of the most beautiful trails in all of the land, and form meaningful relationships that will last a lifetime.

HC: Describe yourself in three words.

HR: Chivalrous, accepting, supportive       

HC: What are your hobbies/interests?

HR: Some of my hobbies and interests include video editing, hiking, and contemplating true love and the meaning of life.

HC: What do you like to do in your free time?

HR: In my free time I love just to relax. The thought of lying in bed with Netflix on is amazing. On the flipside, I also enjoy searching for new coffee shops around the city.

HC: Who is your role model?

HR: Since there have been many people who have made an impact on my life, it’s impossible to choose just one as my greatest role model. Throughout my childhood my family contributed so much in order to make me into the man I am today.

HC: Who is your celebrity crush?

HR: My celebrity crush is without a doubt, hands down, no questions asked: Sandra Bullock. The way she told off that coach in The Blind Side was amazing.

HC: Who is your favorite Disney princess and why?

HR: I was never much of a Disney kid, but if I had to pick a Disney Princess, I would choose one that I would want my daughter to act like. I’d probably pick Elsa from Frozen because she was one of the few to realize you can’t marry someone you just met.

HC: What is your biggest pet peeve?

HR: My biggest pet peeve is disrespect towards someone’s beliefs. It’s one thing to dislike someone but to disrespect someone is unacceptable. Everyone deserves to be treated like a human being regardless of differences in opinions.

HC: What do you look for most in a girl?

HR: I look at whether she settles for mediocrity or strives for greatness. If I know she’s going to do great things it tells me that I’m fortunate to have an amazing person in my life. I also like for a girl to be determined and have a lot going on. That way, when we do have time together, we have to make it extra meaningful.

HC: What is your ideal first date?

HR: My ideal first date would be something modest where we could talk a lot and get to know each other on a deeper level. Maybe an ice cream date—my favorite flavor is Dulce de Leche—followed by an introspective drive around the city.

HC: What is your biggest turn-on/turn-off?

HR: My biggest turn on is when she’s a fashion killa (I’m a trendy fella). I also like when you can tell a girl is healthy and down to work out with me (i.e. she squats). My biggest turn off is when a girl is on her phone all the time while we’re hanging out. I just feel like it’s disrespectful and that she lacks appreciation for the art of conversation.

HC: What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

HR: The best advice I’ve ever received was from my grandmother. She once told me “Nunca te olvides de donde vienes” which translates to “Never forget where you came from.” This resonated with me because it’s a constant reminder to remember my Latin heritage.

Her Campus at ASU, is proud to produce content by powerful young women for women.