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Campus Cutie: Eric Gehres

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Name: Eric Gehres

Major: Biological Sciences

Year: Class of 2017


What do you plan on doing after school?

Medical school to become a licensed Doctor.

Where are you originally from?

Long Island, New York. 


What’s a special talent you have?

I was a goalie in hockey my whole life.

What is your version of an ideal date?

Taking a girl to the beach as a surprise, lay under the stars and drink champagne. 

What do you like to do in your free time?

If I’m not in class, studying, in the gym, or cooking, I’m sleeping.  Golf is fun when I can get out. 

What’s your favorite restaurant in Tempe? 

In-N-Out.  Hands down.

Favorite childhood activity?

Crashing my Big Wheel into others.

What’s something on your bucket list?

The most recent bucket list idea is to go to a rooftop date party in NYC for New Year’s Eve.

Favorite kind of music?

Rap. Country. Basically anything.  Pretty open minded.

What’s a saying you live by?

Don’t let anyony tell you “you can’t do something.”

Whats your favorite thing about ASU?

The entire atmosphere.  I can find something to do any given night.  The weather here is perfect and it makes the night life thrive. 

Her Campus at ASU, is proud to produce content by powerful young women for women.