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ASU Bathroom Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

We’re taking a cue from our friends at the Downtown Devil and starting our own potty blog… But it probably won’t be as good. We’ll get there…

I pride myself in knowing the best bathrooms to pee in (or you know… go number two in…). And on account of my below-average bladder capacity, I’ve racked up quite a list of bathroom spots to use on or around both the ASU Tempe and Downtown Phoenix Campuses– some good, and others not so great…

From time to time, I’ll review one of these places to tinkle, so that everyone else can share in the wonders of that particular restroom.

For now, please enjoy my subpar photography skills and our first featured place to take a bathroom break.

Downtown Phoenix Campus- Walter Cronkite Building, 6th Floor bathrooom

One of the more lively floors of the Cronkite building, this floor is home to the Channel Eight PBS Studios, ASU’s NewsWatch Studio, the broadcast lab, the Cronkite School’s videography edit bays, a makeup room and it’s also where Fox Sports Arizona and Devil’s Chowda film their shows. However, one of the 6th floor’s best amenities is probably the bathroom.

Capacity: It’s five stalls deep and always ready to seat your tush whenever you need it. Preferred stall- first stall. I couldn’t tell you why.

A subpar iPhone photograph of 4/5 stalls.

Cleanliness: I’ve been using this bathroom twice a week, for about two years now. Every single time I’ve come in, it has been clean. It smells great (unless I’ve already gotten to it, if you know what I mean…), the toilets are always in perfect working condition, there’s always toilet paper and it’s usually always empty. The seclusion is the main reason why I like to use this bathroom. Sometimes I don’t have time to poop before I leave the house and this bathroom makes it easy and convenient to relieve myself at school without the fear of someone walking in on me. Sure there’s a super secluded single toilet family restroom right next to this one, but what if someone else has to use it?

Super clean, super colorful sink. +10 points for the hands free faucets.

Accessibility: Seeing as there’s only one hallway that leads you to it, this bathroom is very accessible on the 6th floor. It’s also very handicap accessible, having two stalls that cater to people with disabilites. Bonus points for the adapted toilet seat in the fourth stall.

Why doesn’t every handicap stall have these toilets?

Final verdict: 10/10, would use this bathroom again. Although it lacks decor, it has everything that I look for in a public bathroom, which is mostly cleanliness and toilet paper.


If you have any suggestions or would like to see a bathroom featured, e-mail me at alejandraguillen@hercampus.com and maybe you’ll see it here!

My name is Alejandra Guillen and I am a junior at Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and at Barrett, the Honors College. As most people do, I enjoy sleep, food (especially of the breakfast, gravy and meat varieties), and Ryan Gosling.