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A list of Indian women who are using Instagram in pathbreaking ways

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ashoka chapter.

Away from the toxicity of social media, these Indian women are trying to create a safe space, create awareness and break stigmas. Read on to find out more about these women and how they’re using Instagram to bring together a community to create change.

Edited by- Sahana Inuganti

Scrolling through my Instagram feed, more often than not, “perfect” lives, “perfect” bodies and “perfect” outfits are shoved down my throat. The constant comparison between my life and the best moments of other people’s lives often leaves me feeling not good enough. However, Instagram doesn’t have to be a toxic place. In fact, popular culture has become a powerful tool to spread awareness and create a positive impact. With hashtags, trendy music and user engagement you can widen your audience and reach people who you might not have been able to reach otherwise. Here’s my list of Instagram pages that not only break away from this toxicity but use the platform to push back against it. I am in awe of these creators for how brave, bold and raw their content is. Out of the plethora of content creators Instagram houses, this is my selection of creators I admire and think everyone needs to check out.

  1. seemaanandstorytelling : Her content takes me back to GB with Menon— it makes you laugh till your stomach hurts, the candidness blows you away and most times you just find yourself at a loss of words. A mythologist, author, storyteller and Kama Sutra expert— Seema Anand talks about pleasure for all, to all. Her gorgeous grey hair has infuriated many behind the screen but she doesn’t shy away from shattering the stigmas around pleasure based on age, gender etc. She talks about the diverse forms that pleasure can take through stories, skits, dialogues and if there’s someone who is using the ‘reel’ feature right, she is it. I find the deep-seated shame showing up every so often but overcoming that feeling, one day at a time, is one of the most liberating experiences ever. There are a multitude of resources that talk about pleasure, safe sex, so on and so forth but what sets Seema Anand apart is that she isn’t delivering a mumble jumble of information. She goes beyond that. She makes talking about pleasure pleasurable and entertaining and starts a conversation that every household can/should have.
  1. shetalksandeats : (TW: mention of eating disorders) Khushi Jain, the person behind shetalksandeats, talks about food freedom, body positivity and eating disorders and does it while experiencing all kinds of amazing food. She started her journey with the modelling industry where, like many, she was constantly scrutinised for the way she looks, was forced to chase unrealistic body standards and a number of dietary restrictions were imposed on her. Deriving from her experience, she makes content about the rampant presence of eating disorders in the modelling industry. However, the conversation around eating disorders and toxic, unrealistic beauty standards isn’t restricted to the modelling industry. She traces the problem back to our childhood when a lot of us were introduced to these white, blonde,  barbies with an almost non-existent waist. She takes us with her as she navigates her relationship with her body and food and tries to create a safe space for others who are struggling with the same.
  1. awkwardgoat3 : Divija Bhasin, a counselling psychologist, known as awkwardgoat3 on Instagram aims to expand the conversation around mental health. She regularly busts myths surrounding mental health, therapy etc. and calls out misinformation that is fed to us on social media in the name of “Psychology Facts”. She encourages more qualified individuals to use the platform to increase access to resources and knowledge. She herself offers paid appointments that can be booked through Instagram DM ( direct message). Other than that, she often posts information about free helplines that can be accessed by all. 

4. mayas_amma : Maya’s amma (mother), Swati Jagdish, talks about sex education and parenting. Parenting might not even be the last thing on most of our minds but watching her content helps me unlearn notions that I took for granted. She talks about the importance of having honest conversations with children about sex and everything else related to it. Her idea is that it is essential for children to understand consent and it is imperative for parents to empower them to be able to do the same. She tries to make the process smoother for both parents and children and help parents instil awareness without creating fear or a sex-negative environment. I grew up in a household where sex, pleasure and all that is to do with it was brushed under the carpet. Seeing Maya and Swati, getting a window into their relationship, makes me realise how important it is for parents to have these conversations with kids.

5. _makeearthgreatagain : Karishma or “climate girl” uses the platform to create awareness about easy ways to lead a more sustainable lifestyle at an individual level while striving for change at the systemic level. She puts up well-researched content about a multitude of things— fast fashion, sustainable eating, ocean crisis etc. Some of my favourite posts that she shared were about how to celebrate festivals in an eco-friendly way— how to reuse leftovers, how to up-cycle wrapping paper, sustainable gift ideas etc. As a country that prides itself on its diversity, we have a multitude of festivals and these tricks can go a long way to reduce the impact created by these festivals while still cherishing their essence. Her bio reads “low impact lifestyle, high impact voice” and I think that beautifully sums up her presence on the platform. 

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Vrinda Garg

Ashoka '24

Vrinda is a part of the Her Campus Content Team. She is 18, a fresher at Ashoka University and her prospective major is Economics. She loves how words weave together to create meaning, both literally and in the larger scheme of things. They force you to feel, to empathise and that's where her love for writing comes in. She takes pride in being a trial and error cook, drinks concerning amounts of chai (tea) and can talk endlessly about anything and everything under the sun.