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Student Designers At NWAFW

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

Author: Caroline Crosthwait

Alejandra Gonzales, Ashley Treece, and Tiara Hudson are three of the six student designers participating in the upcoming Northwest Arkansas Fashion Week.  All three are seniors, but their collections and inspirations are all very unique.  

Alejandra Gonzales is an apparel studies major who draws inspiration from her Mother and “Abuelita.”  Alejandra hopes to captivate audiences with her use of elements of the peacock in her pieces. 


Ashley Treece studies studio art and sees that as one of the biggest influences on her collection.  She likes to incorporate elements from her paintings into her designs, like sense of line and balance of color.  The aim of the pieces that she’s showing in NWA Fashion Week is a modern, nomadic theme with lots of texture and geometric silhouettes.  


Tiara Hudson is a senior apparel studies major. Her designs have been heavily influenced by her mom, who taught her great style doesn’t have to be expensive.  She hopes to convey a sense of uniqueness through purity, simplicity and comfort in her collection.  Her pieces center around white and abstract detailing.  

Come out and support your fellow students at Northwest Arkansas Fashion Week.  All six student designers will be showing Thursday March 6th at 21c Museum Hotel in the Bentonville Square at 8:30 p.m.. 

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