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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

Ring chains are a quick and easy fashion “yes”. In addition to being absolutely dainty and adorable, they double as your bracelet. It’s recommended to wear your chains with a very simple, light-colored outfit; try pairing gold with cream, or a touch of brown. Be warned, though! Chains are very easy to overdo. Don’t wear anything too bulky or flashy, or it will take away from the attention of your outfit. Use these unique fashion pieces as a statement, and find one that says something about you.



Tiffany Ward, a Junior at the University of Arkansas, joined the Her Campus Arkansas team in 2013 and now serves as the chapter President. Along with being an English major, Tiffany has a minor in Legal Studies and Pre-Law emphasis. Tiffany is a loyal member of Alpha Omicron Pi. Tiffany loves to write articles that provide advice and fun to her readers.