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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

You’ve most likely seen Michael McCullough on the University of Arkansas campus. Standing at 6’4”, he is extremely difficult to miss. This sweetheart has a great head on his shoulders, and as a biology major he plans to attend medical school and eventually become a doctor. Keep on reading to find out more! 


Hometown: Flower Mound, Texas

Major: Biology, Pre-Med

Year in School: Freshman

Relationship Status: Single

Greek Affiliation: Pi Kappa Alpha



Sport: Basketball

Home-Cooked Meal: Steak

Artist: Jason Aldean

Movie: 21

Celeb Crush – Scarlett Johnansson

Favorite Type of Food – Chinese



One Word that describes you: Tall

Best Feature: My height

One Habit You’d Like to Break: Staying up too late

Relationship Deal-Breaker: No use of manners

Relationship Deal-Maker: Laughing at my jokes


Q & A:

One thing on your bucket list? I’ve always wanted to Skydiving

What’s one thing you want to do after college? Go to Med School and have an awesome family and travel the world

Name one thing you don’t understand about girls? How some girls never take the hint that you aren’t interested

What’s your ideal date? Stay at home and watch movies

What is your biggest pet peeve? People who chew with their mouth open


I love the number ten and anything with glitter.