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Learning As I Go: 15 Things I Wish I’d Known Freshman Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.


I did a little thinking about my college experience and thought about what I wish I had known going into college.  As a freshman, a lot of things are overwhelming.  It is a time of change and transition.  I present, The Freshman 15, a short list of things that would be helpful to know as a college freshman.  If you’ve already been through freshman year, take a look at the list and dwell on the nostalgia.  So, what would be helpful to know?  Well, here’s what I got…
1.  Being sick at school is going to be way worse than being sick at home.  Be prepared ahead of time. 
2.  Ali with your R.A. because there will be situations where you need help or you getting in trouble rides on your R.A’s decidsion.  It doesn’t hurt if you’re already on his or her good side.
3.  I wish someone had told me every single day that recovering your GPA for 3 years to make up for freshman year is not fun.  With that said, I’ll sum a few things up under this point.  Learn time management and go to class.  Even if there is not attendance being taken, go to class. 
4.  There will be a day when you’ve pulled an all-nighter for a test that got canceled, you’re exhausted, forgot about a quiz, and left your favorite tervis tumbler in class.  You are going to want to call your parents or best friend and cry like a child because the world is ending.  It’s ok to have those days.
5. Wash your sheets.  I know, seems obvious but in all seriousness, it is easy to put it off and forget…for all of first semester.
6.  You are not invincible.  There is this odd period of alertness following an all-nighter, where you don’t think you’re tired and that one more Red Bull and you could conquer the world.  Yeah, no, you’re going to crash.  Push yourself, but remember that you’re human.
7.  You get so many dorm room gifts and there are so many dorm room accessories now that it seems like you have to collect them all.  When you’re in a space that small, you’re going to look back and wonder why you needed three sizes of paper clips (all with their own container) and a blow up chair. 
8.  Midnight fast food runs and trips to Starbucks between class add up financially and physically.  It is really easy to always go eat when everyone else is, but when things stop fitting and your debit card won’t work, it is not a pretty situation.  Just keep up with yourself and your wallet when it comes to the delivery pizza and Taco Bell trips.
9.  The “freshman 15” is real and avoidable.  Adjusting to a new schedule and developing new eating habits is normal.  Putting on a little weight is something that happens to plenty of people so don’t beat yourself up if it happens.  Now, keep in mind that it is entirely avoidable if you avoid late-night eating and fast food for every meal. 
10.  Freshman year is supposed to be fun.  You’re going to make mistakes.  You will be faced with the decision of going to a frat party or a study party and at some point, you will make the wrong decision.  Do not beat yourself up over the mistakes you make but instead, learn from them and move on.
11.  I saw this happen time and time again so I think it is pretty important:  Don’t do things just because you can.  Just because you can, oh, adopt a dog and get a tattoo, does not mean you should do it.  Do things because you want to and are confident that your parents won’t disown you if you do.  Don’t do things just because you can.
12.  Friendships change.  You are going to lose touch with friends you’ve known forever and you’re going to make new ones.  Some friendships won’t change at all.  I worried this only happened to me but in truth, everyone goes through change.  Do not feel like you’ve done something wrong or that it is a failed friendship. 
13.  Dating is different.  The only way I know how to put this is that the pond is bigger in college, so there are more stupid fish to deal with. 
14.  You’re going to learn a lot about yourself.  Some of it will be good and some of it will be bad.  In the end, you have to accept it.  At times you’ll feel like a pubescent girl in jr. high as you contemplate your sense of self and place in life.  Trust me, this is normal. Have fun while you’re learning about the person you’re becoming.
15.  It’s going to be ok.  You’ll make mistakes and make friends, you’ll  dislike some people and at times, dislike yourself.  Be safe and learn from everything you do.  In the end, no matter what happens and what goes wrong, you’re going to make it through whatever freshman year throws at you.  Often times, it will seem as if the world is perfect or the world is ending and every time, but remember that it is going to be ok. 
I hope you enjoy your freshman year and if you’ve already been through it, I hope this brought back some good memories.  Freshman year only happens one time (hopefully) and it won’t be perfect.  You’re going to need help, you’ll mess up, get homesick, change as a person, and learn from mistakes.  Enjoy it, because it is going to fly by.  The list of tips and lessons is endless but hopefully the little bit I offer is helpful.  Relax. Everything from freshmen orientation to moving into your dorm, it is going to be a blast. 

Originally from Little Rock, Arkansas. Currently, an English major at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. Studying English literature and French, also working with creative writing.