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Last Minute Costume Ideas for the Lazy Ladies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

For those of you who are less than 24 hours from your Halloween festivities and still don’t have an outfit, I am here to help you. With the help of pop culture and the Internet, I have come up with some quick and easy, yet still original, Halloween costumes for your events. All you need is some make-up and maybe one particular clothing item or easily found prop.

  1. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

You only thought this social awareness trend was gone… but you were wrong. All you need for this is a bucket filled with (fake) ice water and there you have it.  If you’re feeling like you’re going to be extra thirsty, you can always make it a real bucket full of ice water and carry around a nifty straw. Just wear your everyday clothes and you have just won the costume contest and restarted this beloved Internet sensation.

(Photo courtesy of Google)

  1. Running Late

This is not meant to be confused with the classic “Morning After” costume. To pull this look off all you need to do is rush through your make-up and make it a little bit sloppy so it’s noticeable. Then throw on literally the first things you find that maybe don’t go together, two different shoes and you are golden.

  1. Mannequin

This one is super easy. Get dressed. Go to a party and just stand in the same position for the entire night. Note: This is for not only the lazy but the extremely unsocial.

  1. Kim Kardashians Contour Make-up Pre-Blend

Throw on your sexiest, but posh outfit and then go to town with the highlighting and contouring. Make sure you darken all the shadows of your face and make your highlight extra brightening. The key to this costume is to not blend what so ever. Harsh lines are your friend here and they more the better.

  1. Questionable Outfit

This is nice for those people that don’t really like to dress up but also don’t want to be left out of the fun of getting ready for a Halloween party. Find and outfit in your closet or general style you like but are too scared to try. Put it together and test out the waters. If you think a dress is a little to Victorian like, or this cardigan could be borderline Goth-punk, just go for it and see how you feel. This is an easy way to try out new trends without being completely intimidated. If someone asks who you are just pull out some celebrities name because odds are they won’t remember and you probably won’t care.

Hopefully you found these helpful if you are in a bit of a time crunch. With these nifty costumes you might not even need to run to the store to get anything because you probably have what you need in the comfort of your own home. Happy Halloween and be safe!

(Cover photo: Google)