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How To Survive Cabin Fever

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

Cabin Fever. We all have it, and we’re all sick of it. It’s easy to get into a slump this time of year, so here are some ways to cure your cabin fever and fight the bone-chilling cold while waiting for those sunny days to arrive again!

Stay active, no matter how unmotivated you may be. Hot cocoa, comfort foods and other high calorie foods may be keeping you sane for now, but sooner or later winter weight gain will catch up with you, making you more unmotivated, more sluggish, and ultimately more unhappy. Conquer this by working out (and no, “surfing” the web doesn’t count.) True, grabbing your running shoes and heading out the door to your nearest fitness center is easier said than done, but I promise you, one workout at the gym will brighten your mood. And who says that you have to work out the traditional way? If it’s snowing outside, grab your cutest pair of snow boots and head outside to sled with your friends, or build some snowmen.

Get as much sunshine as possible! Sounds silly, but it’s proven that lack of sunlight tends to negatively affect our mood. A quick fix? Move your desk and do your homework by a window.

Brighten up your living spaces. Just because it’s dark and dreary outside doesn’t mean your room has to be! Add some color to your living space with pillows, fun wall decorations and candles. Get creative!

Entertain! The more people, the merrier. Invite people over to your place for a dinner and movie night, or finally get around to actually accomplishing a craft on your Pinterest board.

Plan your spring break! Sunny days are coming soon, and with sunny days comes a week off of school with your best friends. Plan a beach trip to get your mind off the freezing cold temperatures outside.

Journal. Cabin fever can make even the happiest person a little down. A great way to manage your feelings is through writing.

Organize. Feeling productive will definitely make you feel better. Rearrange your furniture, or finally clean out your desk you promised you would get around to!

Chins up, ladies. Spring is just around the corner!