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Haley Tarkington

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

Everyone meet our cutie for the week, Haley Tarkington! She’s a sophomore at the U of A majoring in Kinesiology. You will NEVER have a dull moment around her and will always be laughing. Follow on Twitter: @haleytarkington or Instagram: haleyvtarkington.


Hometown- Beebe, AR

Year- Sophomore 
Age- 20 
Major- Kinesiology 
Favorite Activity- Going out with friends 
Favorite Song- Anything by Britney Spears 
Favorite Food- Sandwiches 
Favorite Movie- We’re the Millers 
Favorite Sport- Baseball 
Relationship Status- SINGLE!!! 
Deal Breaker- Bad Teeth 
Deal Breaker- $$$$$$$$ 
Perfect First Date- Getting on the kiss cam at a baseball game 
Celeb Crush- Chris Pine
Interesting Fact- I’ve been to all 50 states 
Pet Peeve- Smacking 
Pets- None but I love dogs(: 
Dream Career- Social Lite
Dream Vacation- anywhere in the carribbean
Embarrassing Moment- Getting called out for being on my phone during a 300 person lecture 
Advice- Say yes to everything!!! 
One thing you don’t understand about guys- EVERYTHING!!!!!
Hannah has a love for beauty, fashion, and trying new products! Add her on Intsagram and Twitter: @hannahvls