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Fashionista Haley Smith

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

By: Drew Jones

From her infectious laugh to her to her somewhat eccentric style, junior Haley Smith has an eclectic taste and is ready to take on the world.  She is majoring in Cultural Anthropology with the hopes of understanding people who are different from her. Not only is she serious about her studies, she has a big appetite for fashion and style.  Her style is inspired by her love for the 90’s and also her friends and family.

Attending the University of Arkansas has awarded Haley with so many great educational opportunities. She was recently a recipient for the Octa Norma Scholarship, an anthropology merit scholarship, but it does not stop there.  She is a part of Lambda Alpha, an Anthropology Honors Society, and she is also a Silas Hunt Scholar.

“For me, education is very important because learning about world helps me understand where I fit in,” Haley said. “I want to use this knowledge to empower myself and others, which led me to choose my major of cultural anthropology.”

Even though she is enjoying her studies as a Cultural Anthropology major, she is also very interested in Journalism. Her mother believes that she should pursue a career in journalism because of her writing skills.

“I love talking to people about their life stories and communicating information to them,” Haley said. “I love the idea of working on a project and people can see my work and talk about it. Most importantly I love writing so I think I could be a great journalist. I would focus on world issues such as racial conflicts, gender inequality, how the world is interconnected, and of course I would like to write about music for fun.”

Speaking of fun, she is passionate about her hobbies:  thrift shopping, listening to music, going out to eat, modeling, and hanging around friends. Her favorite activity is to shop so she can expand her fun style. 

“I always aim to feel comfortable and I always make sure what I wear feel right,” Haley said. “My style is intuitive, simple, eclectic, and depends on what I am into at the time. I feel like I am pretty grunge with some 70s inspiration. I make sure I dress to express my idea of femininity.”

Her personal favorite items are: rings, combat boots, nail polish, high ponytails, and turtle necks.

“It is all just a splash of me,” Haley said.

College is allowing Haley to express herself. She has done modeling, realized the importance of education, joined groups on campus for equality, and most importantly she is able to work towards a career involving cultural anthropology. She is going to continue to work towards being a better person.

“Whatever I do I want to do something that will help others and be selfless,” Haley said. “I just want to learn more about people and how we all work in this world.” 


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