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Am I Getting a Job or What?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

After high school, we go to college hoping to earn a decent education and eventually find the perfect career. Even though we spend countless hours preparing for a job, it seems almost impossible to get one. You hear it from your professors, parents and peers about how competitive the job market is now.  Do not stress because thankfully there are things you can do to make sure you will score that job you have always dreamed of.

Google Should Be Your Best Friend:

First of all, research your major until you cannot anymore. Be certain of what you are getting yourself into.  You do not want to change your major ten times before you graduate. Not only is it a headache, but it can be costly and make you stay in school longer than you desire.

And the researching does not stop there. You should know what job you see yourself doing. Know exactly what you want to do with your career choice. It is important to know where you want to live after college because the particular field you want to work in might be more popular in certain parts of the country or even the world. This sounds like a lot, but it will come together slowly but surely.

Don’t Ditch All Your Facebook Friends:

I know this might seem weird, but hear me out. We all have some of those annoying Facebook friends who post statuses about every little detail about their life, am I right?  But before you decide to click the unfriend button, remember they may actually help you out. Networking is not only done in person these days. Social media is a huge part of marketing yourself. Posting statuses about looking for a job will strengthen your chances of receiving an opportunity. Therefore, more friends the better. 

Interesting Fact: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70% of all jobs are found through networking.

Another tip for your social networks is to clean it up by deleting pictures with the infamous Red Solo Cup or statuses about political views.  Facebook, Twitter and other social websites are also grounds for employers. They want someone who can represent their company well, so keep your page PG.  

Before you go on friends list cleanse, think again! Those friends might be the source of you receiving a job somewhere. Keep your connections strong with people.

What are you waiting for?:

Winter break is approaching, and it will be the perfect time to work towards getting a job/internship. Do not procrastinate during this time. Remember the early bird catches the worm.

Many job/internship applications are open now and will be closing soon, so make sure you get it done.

Last Tip:

Apply to somewhere you know will give you the right experience. I mean the experience that will make you know you chose the right job/internship.  

I truly believe that the sky is the limit and anyone can achieve their goals. It takes time, hard work, brain power, and even rejection to get to where you need to be. Yes, the pressure is on and the competition is high, but it is not impossible.

Whether you believe in yourself or not, someone will find potential in you. If you go into an interview and you do not think you have enough experience, tell the interviewer your willingness to learn. If you walk with confidence you can make anything happen.

I am a junior at the University of Arkansas studying Public Relations and minoring in German.I have a passion for fashion and I hope to move to New York. I dream of working in the fashion industry focusing in PR. I have a love for runway shows, Netflix, Blogging, international cuisines, traveling, Dr. Seuss, shopping, and mostly getting to know others. I am always looking towards the future and my motto is: "Fake it til' you make it."