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5 Reasons Why We’re All Gigi From “He’s Just Not That Into You”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

1. You are a little over-eager (but it’s adorable on you).

Example A: Anne meets a boy. Boy is nice to Anne. Anne starts crushing. Anne notices boy at specific time on specific day. Anne casually appears at specific place on slightly earlier than specific time to casually greet said boy. Every. Day. Because it’s casual, right?

Example B: Beth meets a boy. Beth goes on a Pinterest spree and pins 57 times to her wedding board while asking her friends how her name sounds with said boy’s last name.

2. You are blinded (in the best way possible).

Once you set your eyes on a cute guy, he somehow becomes a flawless individual in your eyes, even though all you really know about him comes from what you have collected from one too many Facebook stalking-binges. 

Your thought: “He always says hi to me, I bet he’s a really nice guy. Like, such a nice guy.” 

3. You never miss an opportunity (because you are a total go-getter).

You are sitting at home with no bra on, a giant, stained t-shirt you got for free in middle school and polka dot pajama pants. Your friend texts you and begs you to go to a party/event/grocery store/back alley with her.

The only question you need answered to get off your butt and into skinny jeans and full makeup is: “Will there be boys there?”

If your friend says yes, you’re there. Hands down. 

4. You are tougher than you look (emotionally, at least).

You are well aware that there are plenty of fish in the sea. Campus is crawling with Nemos looking for their Dory and you are very ready to be their Dory. That being said, if your friend has dirt on a guy you have a thing for, you want to hear it. If you find out Nemo #22 is actually a slimy eel, you’re already over it. Nemo #23, watch out. 

5. You don’t fully realize what you deserve (Psst. It’s whatever you want).

Being boy crazy is fun. It can be exciting and nerve-wracking. Sometimes (a lot of times) it doesn’t work out the way you planned. That’s okay. Be you. If an awesome guy comes along, let him. Facebook stalk if you please, but don’t wait around—do things that make you happy, and guess what? You’ll be happy.

Friends are way better at cuddling anyway.