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Zac Zaher (left) & Sean Kelly (right)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.

This week we have double the fun! Meet Sean Kelly and Zac Zaher, partners in crime. 

Sean Kelly
Year: Junior
Major: MIS & Operations Management in Eller, and Regional Development
The best way to describe to describe him: Laid back, but “all about the laughs”
The ideal date: He said he’s a gentleman, but he likes to keep it low key.  Since he loves fitness, he would take a girl on a hike, and have a picnic on the mountain.
During his free time:  If he’s not with friends, he boxes, does Jujitsu, runs, or  mountain climbs.
Where they’re from: Las Vegas, NV

Zac Zaher
Year: Senior
Major: Eller Business
The best way to describe him: Laid back and mellow, but outgoing at the same time
The ideal date: He would take her bowling.  Doing a fun activity, maybe with a group, takes away some of the first date/getting to know someone-pressure.
During his free time, he likes to:   Find new music, and go out with friends, especially on University. He just loves the energy on the weekend.

Quotes they both go by: “It’s a lifestyle.”  “Got that Vegas Swagger!”

Sean and Zac started their HellofaLife UofA blog this year.  Zac has always been into making videos, and decided to put his skills to use and document his last semester of college.  Sean came up with the idea to add to Zac’s videos and create a blog about everything that is UofA.  It started expanding faster than they ever expected, and they continue to update and modify it to create the best and coolest website keeping UofA students in the know.  They talk about everything from where to go on Thursday night, to their own hilarious commentary on recent happenings in pop culture. Find their Facebook page (at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hell-of-A-Life/141373915924174?ref=ts&sk=info) and give them a like! Be sure to also visit them at http://hell-uofa-life.tumblr.com/  
If you find yourself in Vegas over Spring Break, these are the guys to look up!

Yael Schusterman is a journalism senior at the University of Arizona. She has freelanced for half a dozen publications and is ready to transition from a print to an online focus. She maintains a permanent residence in New Jersey and her goal is to live in Manhattan. The AP wire has picked up one of her stories, "Theft at gallery yields sale to help artists," as member enterprise while working for The Arizona Daily Star in Tucson. She looks forward to working with the Her Campus Team and spreading awareness on the UA campus.