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You Know You Go To The U of A When…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.

1. You tease your hair before you go out, and also before the library. 
2. You look presentable and go with a posse to the main library.  It’s only acceptable to go to the Med Library or Law Library alone. But who wants to go there? You can’t snack, which is essential for learning. I got kicked out of the law library for eating nuts, not a hamburger, nuts…
3. You have a drunk social circle. What is this? When you go to Dirtbags and its perfectly acceptable to say hello to someone, then once you run into them during the day, they don’t know you… 
4. You follow the Arizona uniform. Evening Uniform: High waisted skirt, bright silk top, 6-inch Steve Madden heels, a sling over purse, an iPhone and if your really not with the times a blackberry.  If you have a droid, I question who you are.
5. You go to the Rec and pray you will not see the person that you least want to see, and then there they are, staring at themselves in the mirror or glaring down at you on the bike. 
6. You pray to baby Jesus that you do not fall/trip/stumble down those ridiculous stairs at the Rec. 
7. You have a mild panic attack if you drop your iPod on the elliptical.
8. When JJ answers your phone call, “Hey Lisa where are you?” 
9. When Winston won’t pick up your phone calls. 
10. When you flirt with the delivery man to put the pizza on your cat card and not your ATM card because you are poor from buying too many vodka tonics.
11. You consider it a celebrity sighting when you see the Fake Business Man. 
12. Scream “Sweet Caroline” at Dirtbag’s and don’t care if you sound like a dying animal. 
13. You starve yourself for months for Islander and Jungle Party then reward yourself with an assortment of food from the union.
14. The best days of your life were in the most disgusting living conditions… C O R O N A D O
15. You can completely relate to Total Sorority Move.
16. Your only meal options are Sauce and Chopped.
17.Bursar becomes your best friend and you visit the bookstore at least once a day to view the new merchandise. 
18. You don’t know what Taco Shop tastes like sober.
19. Tailgate every Saturday but have never been to a football game. Well maybe one or two freshman year. 
20. Friday classes are not mandatory.

My name is Jessica Cooper and in the Fall I will be a Senior at the University of Arizona. I am majoring in journalism with a dual minor in history and judaic studies. My focus is in both print and online journalism. I have loved being a part of the Her Campus team for the last semester and am so excited to be the campus correspondant for the 2011-2012 year.