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Why Breaking Up Isn’t All That Bad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.


For anyone who’s going through a breakup, the title of this article probably seems totally insane.  You may be thinking, “You’re kidding right? This experience is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Of course it’s bad! Well my dear reader, I have great news for you, so keep reading. No matter the hate, pain, or disappointment you feel, everything is not lost. You will emerge from this period of life as a stronger and happier person if you recognize and practice thinking these 4 facts.

1. Better now than later. If your boyfriend wants to break up or has already ended things, take the hit and lick your wounds somewhere else.  The truth is, if he didn’t do it now then it would have happened in the future. 4 months or even 4 years could have been wasted if he prolonged the breakup. The sooner you get it over with, the sooner you can begin the healing process.


2.  You do not want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you. Ouch, I’m sorry if that stung, but you must accept this. Investing your heart, life, mind, and soul into a person who cannot appreciate those gifts is like dumping your most prized possessions onto the floor: pointless and damaging.


3.  You are going to find someone better for you. Right now, it may be impossible to even fathom the fact that one day, you will shed your final tear caused by your ex and you will meet someone who takes your breath away.  (Cue T-Swifts “Begin Again.) Moving on takes time, and even after you are with another man your thoughts may drift back to him. Don’t be alarmed when this happens, because it will. It is completely natural to think about someone who you invested in emotionally, physically, and mentally.


4. You need to stop trying to make things go your way. Right now you want to control and convince him that he is wrong, and you two must be together. Stop. It’s not worth it. You do not want to spend another day with a man who is questioning and doubting whether or not he wants to be in a committed relationship with you. You’re wasting your time. The sooner you can let go, the sooner you will move on.


Having your heartbroken is usually an experience that changes your life. Your world is rocked by the loss of a chunk of your heart. Some days your heart physically burns, but others it is joyous and filled with happiness. Every day that goes by you are getting stronger, and I promise that in the near future you will be able to look back on your old relationship with emotional control and recognize that it was for the best.