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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.

We all know that hair removal can be a real pain whether it’s with a beaming laser, hot drippy wax, or tedious plucking to the face. However, if you haven’t heard, an ancient Middle Eastern alternative has been revived and has made its way locally to offer a more natural approach for eliminating facial hair. It is known as the art of threading. Threading takes a piece of coiled thread and with steady hands quickly snatches multiple eyebrow hair at the root. “It is the hands that control the thread. The hands give the eyebrows shape and remove facial hair,” said Syamala Garnham, co-owner with her husband at Asian Eyebrow Threading. The Garnham’s shop is one of the only threading shops Tucson offers. Because threadinguses no chemicals, there is less of a chance you’ll experience an allergic reaction. Reactions that can occur but are rare include redness for an extended period of time and red or pimple-like bumps. Some speculate that waxing over time could cause premature wrinkles so if this is a serious concern give threading a try. Finally, threading can also be an option for people with sensitive skin or those using Accutane or Retin-A medications for acne and are unable to wax.
            If you are wondering where threading lies on the beauty pain scale, it is relatively low but will vary by person. Some say with threading it feels like a brief ripping while others say it feels like nothing at all. Threading is traditionally used for facial hair, but it is possible to thread other parts of the body though it is much longer and can be more painful. Thinking about getting a Brazilian for spring break? Stick to waxing! Just remember that with any beauty treatment, pain can be lurking. Threading is relatively new to western culture but word is definitely spreading about this ancient beauty treatment.
            Asian Eyebrow Threading is located at the Foothills Mall, 7401 N. La Cholla as well as at the Tucson Spectrum on I-19 and Irvington in Tucson, Arizona. 

My name is Jessica Cooper and in the Fall I will be a Senior at the University of Arizona. I am majoring in journalism with a dual minor in history and judaic studies. My focus is in both print and online journalism. I have loved being a part of the Her Campus team for the last semester and am so excited to be the campus correspondant for the 2011-2012 year.