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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.


As we have all experienced, the Tucson heat and sun can be extremely brutal and
harsh on your body. Many of the activities that we so love to do here at UA involve
tailgating and pool parties. These places are the prime time for your skin to become
shriveled up like a raisin, ew! Believe me I love my tan just as much as the next girl
whether it’s sprayed or natural, it is still being tanned right?! Here are some helpful
tips to get you through the sunny winter.
I know I am not the only one speaking when I say that I hate when I have been
too lazy to shave my legs; however too much exfoliation can dry out skin. Shaving
gel or cream will help with the drying up of your skin and leave you with a clean
and smooth shave. The gel or cream acts as a barrier and creates a lotion like feel.
Girls with sensitive skin, like me, should stay away from scented products that can
possibly cause irritation.
Dry skin looks unhealthy, dull and let’s all be honest gross. Every girl at this
school knows how to body scrub due to our little friend, the spray tan. A spray tan
should not be the only time that you are sloughing away dryness, you should be
doing it 2-3 times a week. Scrubs with pumpkin enzymes, mud or seaweed are great
SUNSCREEN ladies! We live in a state of 24/7 365 days of pure sunshine! I wear
sunscreen every day as if it were the most important thing to me! It helps minimize
the appearance of wrinkles, sunspots and most importantly reduces your chances of
getting skin cancer. Applying lotion to your bodies as well should be second nature
to you all by now.
The same effort we put into our evening outfits for the night and what color eye
shadow we are going to wear we need to put into our skin care routine. After all,
make up fades.