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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.


Last night was my first experience watching the Oscars and I’ve got to be honest, I had no idea there would be so many movies I had never heard of.  There were only a handful of movies I had heard of that were nominated for Oscars, The Hobbit, Le Miserable, Skyfall, and Life of Pi.

Watching the Oscars last night I got the feeling that they were looking for very specific types of movies and that the awards were slightly pretentious. They look at movies that are about more than everyday life, movies that are deep and full and really get at what it is to be human in either a realistic situation or a completely fictional one.

The Oscars are much more serious than Grammies which was a surprise for me. I figured with someone like Seth MacFarlane hosting them they would be silly and light hearted with a great deal of fun performances. The performances they did have were amazing though.

 It was really cool to see James Bond throughout the years. When Shirley Bassey came center stage to sing “Goldfinger” the four people in my living room watched in complete silence and awe. It wasn’t quite out generation but it was still iconic and really special to see. And then of course we got watch Adele sing “Skyfall” which was also amazing because she is so talented and that is from our generation.

While I may not have been familiar with all the movies from the Oscars, it was still a great thing to watch and now I have a bunch of movies on my list to see. 

I'm a journalism student at the University of Arizona.