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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.


Halloween Season is quickly approaching here at the University of Arizona; the Wildcats are already planning out each costume for the monumental Halloweek!

Although, there seems to be one common issue around the UA campus, finding affordable costumes. Luckily, Tucson is surrounded by unique shopping spots that offer the best when it comes to one-of-a-kind Halloween costumes.

The Fourth Avenue Shopping District is the home to a variety of shops with vintage findings that are perfect for creating a Halloween costume.

One option is the Tucson Thrift Shop, located at 319 N 4th Avenue which features vintage clothing and accessories from decades dating back to the 1980’s as well as those that are brand new material.

The shops collection of actual Halloween costumes, in addition to the as individual unique pieces, create options that can be put together to make a costume no one else will have.

According to the Tucson Thrift Shop’s website, their “mission is to help our customers dress for the fun side of life!”

The next spot to find affordable costumes is the Goodwill of Southern Arizona, at 300 N 4th Avenue, which is currently advertising itself as the home of incredible finds for the October’s festivities.

In fact, this costume headquarters not only has actual costumes, but they have created Pinterest boards with ideas from store merchandise! The Goodwill of Southern Arizona also has Halloween activities planned including sugar skull and zombie makeup workshops.

In addition, the Goodwill is supporting the city of Tucson with their Facebook Halloween costume competition where winners win gift cards to all GoodThreads boutiques.

Desert Vintage is another home for many costume ideas. Located at 636 N 4th Avenue, the shop is also very accessible to students.

Desert Vintage offers more unique earth inspired pieces that can be put to ether with finds from other shops to create an outfit that suits everyone’s individual and personal style.

There should be no excuses this year not to have the perfect costume for every day of Halloweek! Stay Spooky Wildcats! 


Edited by: Meryl Engle

My name is Kristine and I'm a sophmore at the University of Arizona!