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Giggles By Jones

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.

Living in Tucson is an experience. Despite the dark streets and homeless hippies on 4th Avenue, I would consider it legitimately safe.
            I didn’t think that I was unsafe especially in my own home. That all changed this week.
            7 AM Monday morning, I heard a screech coming from the downstairs. Then another scream from another one of my roommates.
            I went to go see what was wrong and saw the look of sheer panic on their faces.
            “What’s wrong?! What happened?!” I asked.
            “We have a squirrels.”
            Normally I do not fear these furry animals, but the fact that there was one running around my house frightened me. I did not feel like getting rabies this week.
My roommate Megan Mceuen was the first one to encounter the squirrel. She found him nibbling on our bananas.
            The second person to encounter the squirrel was my other roommate Becca Griggs. She found him near our dishes.
            We did not go into the kitchen for fear that the squirrel would make an unannounced appearance.
            It took a leave of absence for a day, and we thought it may have snuck out.
 But no. Nope. Turns out there was a whole family of squirrels living underneath our stove.
            There is a holding space in our basement and I guess that’s where the family was residing.
            I had not seen the squirrel until Thursday. Mind you that the pest control did not think it was as serious as the situation was and had only put blocks over the holes underneath the stove.
            The squirrel ran from the kitchen down my hallway and almost touched my feet. It ran into the TV room and eventually we got it out of the house.
            Besides having squirrels living in my house, I think everyone who lives in Tucson can say that their neighbors are characters.
            Mine are.
            About a month ago Megan Mceuen’s accounting partner scott called her early one morning.
            “I think your house is on fire.”
            Megan worried that our house was actually on fire ran outside and saw it was our neighbors shed that had burst into flames.
            We had never spoken to the neighbors and only saw them when the man drinks beer in his backyard topless.
            My friend Brooke Dowling’s sister came into town and didn’t get into one of the bars. So she came home. She ended up going to the neighbors house.
            The rest of the roommates went over to get Ashley and met our neighbor Tracey. Apparently she has outburst where she says, “pckaw.” She also said she did not know where she was from. In the shed, she said that there was some, “elegant sh*t” in there.
            Brooke said she also tried to steal her iPhone. Cool neighbors. 

My name is Jessica Cooper and in the Fall I will be a Senior at the University of Arizona. I am majoring in journalism with a dual minor in history and judaic studies. My focus is in both print and online journalism. I have loved being a part of the Her Campus team for the last semester and am so excited to be the campus correspondant for the 2011-2012 year.