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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.

Randomly our frien-emy is back and beaming rays like never before. Not that I’m complaining that our, what seemed to be, a never-ending winter is finally over but it’s making grocery shopping quite difficult. Produce is expensive which means I’d rather pay for a bowl of sweet frozen sugar with extra sugary toppings than buy individual whole fruits. But guess what? Even if you are opening the door to Frozen Yogurt as if there’s that so called “zombie apocalypse” coming after you, you can still walk away feeling good about your choice to hide out in a safe haven of refreshing sweets. Just follow my lead!

Healthy Toppings for My Frozen Yogurt:

Now, Strawberries, Bananas, Grapes and Apples are the top four favorite fruits of Americans in that exact order. Which means, you can get your daily dose of natural sugar from strawberries, your potassium and fiber from a hand sliced banana, 1/3rd of your daily dose of water from a substantial amount of grapes (grapes are naturally 80% water) and well if they have it (which I’ve personally never seen for a yogurt topping, but it’s worth asking) a couple slices of an apple. All of these nutrients will ensure a substantial amount of natural energy for the long night of studying you are most likely avoiding.
Why That Fruit:
Apples: We have all heard “An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away,” well, this may be why, “Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant.” And by consuming apples you will automatically enable your body to ward off any unwanted infections or bacteria. Apples are also less than 100 calories, allowing you to grab an apple while running out the door and not worrying about adding it to your calorie counter diary!
•  Grapes: If feel the somewhat painful restraint of your throat when you swallow desperately trying to hydrate yourself, grab a handful of grapes. Like I said above, grapes are naturally 80% of water. “They are also good source of vitamin-C, vitamin A, vitamin K, carotenes, B-complex vitamins such as pyridoxine, riboflavin, and thiamin.So consider this fruit a natural Women’s One a Day Vitamin.
•  Strawberries: Dip these natural sweet and refreshing treats into some chocolate and chill them in the refrigerator. All it takes is 1 bag of mini semi-sweet chocolate chips, and a place for storage! To put it simply, with or without chocolate this blissful refreshing fruit will allow your body to stay healthy in one way or another, “They contain good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, fluorine, copper, iron and iodine. Potassium in an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells. Iron is required for red blood cell formation. Fluoride is a component of bones and teeth and is important for prevention of dental caries.”
•  Grapefruit: Listen up my sun soaking princesses! This fruit has natural ways of protecting skin damage, “Red varieties of grapefruits are especially rich in the most powerful flavonoid antioxidant, lycopene. Studies have shown that lycopene protects skin damage from UV rays.” Of course you can cheat a bit and add some unnecessary Sweet-And-Low when you cut it in half and eat it for breakfast, no matter what you’ll still receive only “just 42 calories per 100 g.”
•  Cantaloupe: I know, what will you do with this entire fruit, but consider this an investment for the week! You can make Fruit Salad (look below for a link of a simple recipe). But get out your melon-baller and start digging away because this fruit, well, “This fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin A, (provides about 112% of recommended daily levels) one of the highest among fruits. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant and is essential for vision. It is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin A is known to help to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.” So, eat up!!
Buying fruit can be an exhausting process because they all need to be kept in different ways, some refrigerated, some dry, some in lemon juice to prevent browning but generally just keep them together. I love to make fruit salad when it’s getting warm out and the easiest recipe is this:
Take any 4 of your favorite fruits or berries, slice, dice, melon-ball, or cube. Stir in ½ cup of white sugar, add a half of a lemon’s juice, and toss! Now take a few (not too much, I’ve completely ruined this once before) mint leaves and tear them into small pieces. Stir it all together, cover with a lid, saran wrap, or foil and refrigerate! For the rest of the week you can come straight home after your long day of hand cramping lecture note-taking and quench your thirst with fruit! 

My name is Jessica Cooper and in the Fall I will be a Senior at the University of Arizona. I am majoring in journalism with a dual minor in history and judaic studies. My focus is in both print and online journalism. I have loved being a part of the Her Campus team for the last semester and am so excited to be the campus correspondant for the 2011-2012 year.