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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.

Major: Political Science
Minor: Business
Hometown: Naperville, Illinois
Year: Senior
Between study binges, working toward paying off loans, and of course the necessary social life, college can overwhelm us all. I’ve had my fair share of pity parties when my schedule is at its’ chaotic peek. However, sitting down with Evan Willis made me realize, my juggling act is nothing compared to his circus.
Willis is a member of LEAD, a program pairing undergraduate law students with current law school students for mentoring purposes. He is also a liaison for the James E. Rogers College of Law at University of Arizona, President of Blue Key Club, and member of Phi Alpha Delta, Sigma Alpha Lambda, and National Society of Collegiate Scholars. As if this wasn’t impressive enough, this is just extra curricular as he plans to graduate May 2012 with a major in political science and a minor in business. It would be fair to assume that Her Campus was first introduced to Willis in an educational setting; fair, but not true. We stumbled upon this future lawyer on a Friday night in Tucson, Ariz. at a social gathering, no business to be had. After less than a minute of discussing his latest achievements it became all too clear that sitting down with Willis was a necessity. We had to know, is it really possible to do it all? 
HC: Obviously, you have a lot on your plate, how did you get so involved?
Willis: I’ve always loved networking and meeting new people. When I came to UA I was really motivated and wanted to do something different. I got involved with Blue Key through a friend and heard about LEAD at a Phi Alpha Delta meeting.
(Willis later ran for President of Blue Key and won). Networking is essential.
HC: Were you always interested in being a lawyer?
Willis: No, my dad is in business and I actually started out pre-business my freshman year. I excel in reading and writing, with law I get the opportunity to do both. I changed my major to Political Science my sophomore year but decided that it would only be beneficial to minor in business as well.
HC: After all of your achievements at UA, where do you want to conquer next?
Willis: I’m in the process of applying to law school right now. My dream school is Berkeley but I would be more than happy to end up UCLA, USC, NYU, Colombia, Wisconsin Madison, or Loyola Marymount. Over the summer I interned at Dapeer, Rosenblit and Litbak in Santa Monica, Calif. It was an incredible experience and I would love to return someday.
HC: To be honest, you seem like a pretty normal guy despite your crazy life.
Willis: There is a huge give and take with having this much on your plate. I could do nothing and be totally happy. This keeps me busy and introduces me to a lot of people but it is hard. However, if I want to get into a good school and ultimately be successful in my career, I feel it’s necessary to do all that I can.
HC: Any words of advice to your peers?
Willis: I’ve learned that it really cannot hurt to talk to your professors, talk to your T.A’s, and just let them know who you are. I am by no means the kid in the front of the class raising my hand every other minute but I do go to office hours and try to at least give them a face to put to my name.
Although Willis is largely accomplished in our eyes he somehow maintains a 21-year-old college guy persona. Not only was Willis quoting It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia claiming his favorite hobbies include “magnets”; he also has plans to end up years from now sitting in Santa Monica hanging out with Larry David (creator of Seinfeld). Maybe you really can do it all, I’m sure our parents would be exuberant, but as for now we’ll leave it up to Evan Willis to rule the world, and any legal contracts we may stumble upon. 

My name is Jessica Cooper and in the Fall I will be a Senior at the University of Arizona. I am majoring in journalism with a dual minor in history and judaic studies. My focus is in both print and online journalism. I have loved being a part of the Her Campus team for the last semester and am so excited to be the campus correspondant for the 2011-2012 year.