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Avoiding the Freshmen 15 the Healthy Way

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.

We all have heard of the infamous “freshman 15”; the unstoppable 15 pounds of too much fried, processed and sugary everything that seems to attach itself unforgivably onto the bodies of college freshman across the country.  Some will never be visibly impacted by the common unhealthy lifestyle. However, most will be influenced where it matters the most. Even if you eat like a pig and don’t seem to gain an ounce, you are undoubtedly putting your health at serious risk!  Healthy and active lifestyles are an importance to everyone, especially college students. When you have papers to write on a consistent basis, parties that go till 4 AM and 8 AM classes after only having slept for 2 hours, it is vital that you take care of yourself to the best of your ability so that you can make all those tuition bills worth your while!
Even though the student union gets old there are many options for great tasting and healthy foods in our ranked #2 largest student union in the country! Let’s take Three Cheeses for example. Although I am a lover of carbohydrates (most commonly recognized as pasta and breads), balancing your nutrients is one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Instead of diving straight toward the ravioli line, aim for the protein! Three Cheeses always offers some sort of protein options to the left of the pastas. Swapping out raviolis with alfredo sauce for chicken parmesan once a week will make a huge difference! Locations such as IQ, Core, The Cellar and On Deck Deli strive to work with organic and healthy ingredients to make all your choices a great one! If you’re in a rush or just on a tighter budget then rest assured there are also healthier options at Chick-fil-a, Burger King, Panda Express, and Papa John’s:
·      When eating Chick-fil-a go for a chargrilled chicken sandwich instead of the original which is breaded, buttered, oiled, and fried.
·      Burger King has grilled chicken salads that are high in protein and low in sugar and sodium. If you are really craving that Douple Whopper then cut out the fries and substitute a garden salad or apple fries.
·      Panda Express is loaded with vegetables so take advantage of that uncommon factor. Don’t forget to get steamed rice instead of fried!
·      Papa John’s will tempt you with those garlic bread sticks that just taste “oh so good”! Live above the influence and pass on the breadsticks and hydrate on all natural water instead of sugar packed fountain drinks!
Use the links below to read up more on the details of what you’re putting in your body!
Burger King: http://www.bk.com/en/us/menu-nutrition/index.html
Panda Express: http://www.pandaexpress.com/menu/nutrition.aspx
Chick-fil-a: http://www.chick-fil-a.com/Food/Menu
Papa John’s: http://order.papajohns.com/nutrition.html
Making sure you are eating square meals is another big part of being healthy! It’s incredibly easy to skip breakfast when you’re running late for class or eat a granola bar for dinner because your appetite is down the drain due to all the stress piled up from exams and papers. Put the effort in to eat at least 3 square meals a day and snack in between those meals when you feel hungry and I promise it will do you wonders! Also, don’t be afraid of carbs! So many girls carb-count throughout the day! Ladies, carbs = energy!  Hit the gym or do something active for 45 minutes 3 -5 times a week. This does NOT, and I repeat does NOT mean running on the treadmill for an hour and a half. Any type of intense cardio for more than 30 minutes will start to burn more muscle than fat! You burn more fat in the first 20-30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise. Keep in mind that you can also get cardio in by riding your bike or walking to class instead of driving. Or, if you live too far from campus to bike then drive close enough to park and keep your bike nearby to bike around campus all day. Don’t be afraid to lift weights! I know all those men that stand crowded in front of the mirrors doing bicep curls and tricep extensions for what seems a century can be rather intimidating, but free weights are a benefit to women as well! For a 411 on fitness and health check out the Personal Power Training link for great articles on fitness, nutrition and health.
Personal Power Training is a private studio owned by Scott White. White, along with his trainers, are ranked #1 in the state of Arizona! So check them out for a great insight to the world of fitness and to get more comfortable in the gym environment.
Once you are out of the dorms and on to the life of big refrigerators, stoves and ovens it becomes a whole new world of “healthy” when you can grocery shop and prepare real meals that aren’t just coming out of the microwave.  Check out our very own original Her Campus ideas http://www.seventeen.com/college/freshman/recipes-for-college-studentsfor easy recipes that work well with a budget! It is possible to be a college student and not only eat Top Ramen and Mac and Cheese for every meal. Put a little effort in to keeping up a healthy lifestyle and your body will thank you!

My name is Jessica Cooper and in the Fall I will be a Senior at the University of Arizona. I am majoring in journalism with a dual minor in history and judaic studies. My focus is in both print and online journalism. I have loved being a part of the Her Campus team for the last semester and am so excited to be the campus correspondant for the 2011-2012 year.