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Why Every Girl Should Be Watching “Girls”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

If you aren’t watching Girls, you should be. This Sex and The City-esque HBO show is creepily relatable to twenty-somethings. The relatablity of Girls is the most addicting part of the show because chances are, you are-or know someone like- one of the 4 main characters. The show takes place in New York City where all 4 girls are trying to figure out their lives and survive indepently from their parents wallets. The dynamics between the friends and their boyfriends/lovers will remind you of so many similar moments in your life. Girls is the real-life Sex and The City.

Hannah (second from right) is the lead character. Hannah is an aspiring writer who is romantically involved with a neurotic boy. She is the plain Jane of the 4 but she is funny and very real. She never tries to be something that she is not, often showing up naked in the show doing various things: dancing while on coke at a club, playing ping pong, etc. Hannah likes to eat cool whip from the container, watch YouTube videos of how to cut her bangs and attempt to workout with her boyfriend but just collapses on the sidewalk to nap. 

Marnie (far left) is the beautiful, skinny, art-connoisseur. She lives with Hannah in the beginning and seems to have her life fairly together. She is the sensible and career-oriented one of the group and is a tad boy crazy. Marnie tries to be non-judgemental, but she wears her emotion on her sleeves. She dates a crazy narcissistic artist, works in an art gallery and tends to blame others for her problems. 

Soshanna (second from left) is the neurotic, young college student who is friends with the group because of her cousin Jessa. She is the preppier, more rigid personality of the group. The virgin in the group, she is highly relatable for some girls. Shoshanna tries to be more spontaneous like her cousin (i.e. smoking crack, having sex, etc.) but her uncomfortable manor shows. She ends up dating an older guy and falls in love, saying “I love you” first- another highly relatable moment for most girls. Her fast talking and uptight personality create quite the contrast with the rest of the girls. 

Jessa (far right) is the cool, spontaneous, free-spirit. She has fabulous style and is gorgeous. Almost getting an abortion in the first show and getting spontaneously married later, Jessa obviously doesn’t care what other people think of her. She is the girl that every girl wants to be- or at least whose wardrobe you envy. Jessa is a flirt but is not afraid to tell any guy off- especially when asked to have a threesome one night. She is an artsy type whose free lifestyle comes naturally, much unlike the rest.