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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Oh, the things collegiettes do INSTEAD of what they are supposed to be doing…

1. You tell everyone you come in contact with about how much you have to do and how you haven’t even started and how ridiculous it is.

2. You even call venting to your mom with the hope in the back of your mind that maybe, just maybe there is some small thing she can do for you (so that you can cross off at least one of the tasks on your to-do list that you have yet to start).

3. You look at your planner and begin stressing about all that you will have to do in the weeks ahead.

4. You make yourself believe you are hungry (because you know that trumps all else), so you give yourself a break by stuffing your face.

Photo Source: http://media.tumblr.com/1cfc38dafd69bea1ccde18202984f94f/tumblr_inline_m…

5. You talk to your roomie about anything but homework or school, probably venting about boy issues or friend problems.

6. You feel completely disconnected from the outside world even thinking about schoolwork so you pour yourself into TV shows that are completely and blissfully irrelevant to your life (and get lost in someone else’s imaginary world and pretend it’s your own).

7. You spend too much time picking out your outfit for the next day (because you want to look the exact opposite of how you feel).

8. You can’t study while you eat, so you don’t feel guilty for watching an episode of Netflix (but then it leaves you with a cliffhanger, so you HAVE to watch another one).

9. You have a dance party or a twerk contest to your favorite jams with your roommate (convincing yourself that a college student needs to have fun to stay sane, so there’s no harm in it).

Photo Source: http://giphy.com/gifs/rAIs5EkZMi0Ss

10. You start planning and fantasizing about your future on Pinterest (no explanation needed).

11. You decide to straighten your hair because you’re tired of looking like a homeless person.

12. You stalk crushes, celebrities and old friends on social networking sites.

13. You make a list of baby names you like (because you want to be prepared, why else??)

14. You sing along to the lyrics of a rap song to make yourself sound smart.

Photo Soure: http://giphy.com/gifs/HuguUPgeHgIi4

15. You make a list of everything you need to do this week and decide you’ll do it all later.

16. You plan out future Instagram posts, play around with filters and whatnot.

17. You Snapchat until somebody new is in your best friends.

18. Maybe you even start cleaning (this is a rarity) because how can you concentrate with all the clutter?!

Photo Source: http://blogs.kqed.org/pop/files/2013/11/Mrs.-Doubtfire-cleaning.gif

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19. You online shop because there’s something satisfying about pretending that you’re rich.

20. You take a shower to feel refreshed, (but take extra long to shave just to feel super clean).

21. You take an embarrassing amount of selfies just to see how many it takes you to capture a decent one.

Photo Source: http://media.tumblr.com/f93a05172a0b2deaea1af70d17f72792/tumblr_inline_m…

22. You decide to start playing Candy Crush but it turns into an hour ordeal.

23. You tell yourself that you deserve a nap because it will rejuvenate you and give you energy to get your work done. (LIES)

24. You attempt to do a workout (because you owe yourself that).

Photo Source: http://rack.2.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzAxLzA1L2ZjL1dvcmtvdXRPbHNlLjdjN…

25. You perfect your face or any other physical feature that others can see (or can’t see). You pluck or shape your eyebrows, you pop all of your invisible bumps then cut and paint your nails because it makes you feel pretty and good about yourself.

26. You watch vines, YouTube videos, and refresh all of your endlessly entertaining social media distractions [obsessively] until you’re still awake in the wee hours of the morning (by this time, you decide your sleep is more valuable so whatever you have to do will just have to wait).

27. You look for jobs and internships and try to figure out your career (or in other words, what you want to do with your life).

28. You call your best friend because all you want is to avoid the dread of how overwhelmingly much you have to do (or maybe you aren’t even sure how to begin or how to do it or what your professor expects of you, so you fear failure).

29.  …But it eats you alive until you finish it or at least make some progress.

30. You think about doing what you have to do (but that was some deep thinking, so you take a break).

31. You know if you start you will lose focus within the first 5 minutes (there’s no use, so you might as well lose focus now).

32. You feel guilty for putting it off for so long that you get anxiety and have a panic attack.

Photo Source: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lh4zv0Ss1B1qzjix8.gif

33. You break down and cry, and spend a moment pitying yourself until you realize it’s ALL YOUR FAULT.

Admit it, you are probably guilty of a number of these things or perhaps you have found your own creative ways to procrastinate, rather than checking what needs to be done off of your to-do list. Maybe you didn’t realize it before, but now you do, so you can crack some of those habits. I know I need to…

But, let’s face the truthcollege is the one to blame for bringing out your inner master PROcrastinator.

Procrastination is, as they say, at its finest in these unforgettable 4 (or more) years of your life.

Freshman Journalism Major at App State