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A Sunny Day in Boone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Is there anything sweeter than a sunny day in Boone? 

Kalin Rierson is a senior Marketing major and is the Co-Director of Social Media. Campus involvement is a top priority for her, as she is a member of Chi Omega Fraternity, Her Campus, Contributing Editor for The Odyssey Online, and a member of the Club Triathlon team. She enjoys Family Feud, sarcasm, and Mcdonald's Diet Coke.
Kendall is a senior at Appalachian State studying Communication Studies and Journalism.  Though she grew up in the Queen City, she is the daughter of two former Mountaineers and has always considered Boone a second home.  She has a love for dirty chai lattes, Grey's Anatomy, red lipstick, and a future in Television News.