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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

We’ve all been there…You want to wear a cute outfit to class but after trying on ten outfits and not being able to find your favorite skirt, you throw on the same pair of leggings you wore yesterday and a boring tee-shirt. If you feel like your closet is causing you more stress than joy you should spring clean your closet! Not only will it make your routine easier, it will also make it more fun to get dressed in the morning! Here are our seven steps to streamline your closet this spring.

Step 1: Define your Style

It is hard to know what to get rid of and buy if you don’t know what you’re trying to say through your clothing. Look through your closet and decide what all of your favorite pieces have in common or even consider making a Pinterest board for your personal style. Once you’re done with that you can begin getting rid of clothes.

Step 2: Create Yes, No, and Maybe Piles

Next begin going through every item individually, including shoes and accessories. If an article is a Yes, it should …

  • Flatter your body type
  • Enhance your skin tone
  • Be comfortable (don’t keep anything you have to tug at or makes you itchy)
  • Be wearable right now (don’t keep anything that is two sizes too small or has holes in it unless you are willing to fix the problem within the next month)

Step 3: Get rid of clothes

Anything that you hate, no longer fits, isn’t your current style can be given to goodwill, consigned, or even sold on a yard sale site. If it is falling apart or stained go ahead and throw it away. Hopefully you can make some money off of your old clothes, or at least have a tax write-off.

Step 4: Evaluate the Maybes

If you are unsure about an item, try one of these two techniques:

  • The two month rule: Turn all of your hangers in one direction, and when you wear an item turn it the opposite way. If you haven’t worn an item (from that season) in two months, give it away.
  • If you are really having trouble letting a handful of stuff go, put it in storage where you can’t see it. After a certain amount of time if you don’t miss them, (or can’t remember what you even bagged up) get rid of them!

Step 5: Make a list of things you need to complete your wardrobe

Once you have gone through all of your clothing and accessories, make a list of areas that are bare. If you wear the same black pair of jeans twice a week, you should probably spend money on new ones. Investing in some basics might make getting ready easier as well, like having a nude tank top that will work under all of your sheer blouses, and a neutral belt to hold all of your jeans up.

Step 6: Find Organizing Solutions

Many closet problems can be solved by upgrading your storage. Nice hangers can keep your clothes from sliding off and ending up in the floor, while shoe racks can display all of your styles at once.

Step 7: Organize

Once you have your new storage in place and your old clothes out of your room, you can put all your clothes back into your closet. Separate blouses, skirts, pants, and dresses, and you can separate them further into tanks, tees, long sleeve, sweaters etc. if you want. Separating by color can be more visually appealing if you want to add that finishing touch.


Now you should be able to see everything more clearly and get ready quicker in the morning. You might even have room or money (if you consigned your old clothes) to treat yourself to a few new pieces for the warm weather! Hello bright dresses and metallic sandals!

I am a Junior at App majoring in Apparel Design and Merchandising. I love dresses, thrifting, playing soccer, reading magazines, celebrity closets, bubble baths, mom & pop restaurants, and giving relationship advice. I hate waking up early, band aids, Dr. Phil, and men with big muscles.