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Signs You’re the Oldest Child

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

There’s lots of characteristics that make you uniquely you, but there’s a few things that bind all of us oldest kids in the family together.

1. Your parents are probably hardest on you because you’re the first child. Grades, rules, punishment, you name it. You got the brunt end of the deal just because you’re their first child.

2. You’ve probably been told that you’re bossy or controlling. Own it!

3. Your younger siblings do look up to you. You help them through their hard times because of your years of experience and make sure they don’t mess up.

4. You always had to be the babysitter when your parents went out, and had to drive them around when they had one too many beers to drive anyway.

5. You enter new situations on your own. Unlike your younger siblings, you don’t have an older sibling to help you out when you try out new things, so you’ve gotta be a little fearless!

6. You’re probably really independent and drive. Your parents pushed you so you’re bound to want to do good things.

7. You screen your younger sibling’s girlfriends or boyfriends. Everyone has to pass your test and if they’re not good enough, by God they’ll know it

8. The phrase, “you never let me do that when I was their age!” is all too familiar to you.

9. You never got away with anything growing up because your siblings never kept their mouths shut to mom and dad.

10. Being the oldest sibling means you have a lot of responsibilities, but with that, your siblings look up to you and think you’re the coolest. As you get older, you’ll still be bossy and independent, and you may even think you’re ending up like your mother. But don’t worry, take pride in being the oldest. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it!