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Sh*t App Students Say

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

 I have no shame in admitting that after watching Sh*t Girls Say, I probably watched every single YouTube video that had anything to do with “Sh*t ___ Say” (This and this are probably my favorite ones).

So here we are, jumping on the bandwagon with Sh*t App Students Say!

  1. Remember when we beat Michigan?
  2. How may golf balls did Ray rate today?
  3. It’s pronounced “APP-UH-LA-CHUN.”
  4. Should I bring a jacket?
  5. Look at my Chaco tan lines.
  6. I wonder what the weather is going to be like.
  7. Where did you park?
  8. I don’t understand why we have to change our password so often.
  9. I wish Boone had a Target.
  10. Should we go to Klondike tonight?
  11. They don’t call us Happy Appy for nothing.
  12. I hope classes will be cancelled today.
  13. Let’s take a picture with Chancellor Peacock!
  14. On a scale of one to hipster, what would you rate me?
  15. Hey, can I borrow your AppCard?
  16. Do they really have to send emails about cutting down trees?
  17. Sorry, I was late because of the AppalCart.
  18. I just don’t understand why people walk around barefoot.
  19. Of course it’s always the people from Florida that speed on 421.
  20. Michigan who?

Don’t lie, you know you’ve said it. Make sure you Tweet us or post on our Facebook page with your own addition!

Laura Maddox is a Senior at Appalachian State University. Laura was born and raised in Charlotte, NC but loves the mountain air in Boone. She is one of four kids and has an identical twin sister. Laura enjoys reading, fashion, blogging, traveling, chocolate, lots of coffee and riding in the car with the windows down. She has a knack for creative writing, doodling and procrastination. Laura plans on moving to Boston after graduation to pursue a career in the advertising industry as a copywriter. Laura loves APP and will always be a Mountaineer fan!