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Rent the Runway Debuts at Appalachian State

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

I’ll admit it; I am absolutely obsessed with designer clothes. Unfortunately, my obsession doesn’t go too far past swooning over everything in the women’s department at Saks.  As much as I hate to say it, I am in college and simply cannot afford to drop five hundred dollars on that incredible Badgley Mischka sequined mini dress for my next date function or formal.

Well collegiettes™, all of our high-end taste prayers have finally been answered as Rent the Runway makes its debut at App State’s campus this spring semester!

The company was co-founded by Jennifer Hyman and Jennifer Fleiss; two young women studying at Harvard Business School when they came up with an idea to conquer the typical ‘I have nothing to wear’ moment. They wanted to give the world a closet full of designer clothes, with a new dress for every occasion, without breaking the bank. And thus, Rent the Runway was born for all of us women who love high fashion but simply cannot afford to invest in piece after piece.

The premise is simple: RTR forms exclusive relationships with top name designers to score the latest pieces for each season. They then offer such pieces to subscribers to their website through a rental system for a fraction of the price. Just pick a dress, choose the date that you are planning on wearing it, and return it when you’re finished. RTR offers rentals for up to eight days and even has next day delivery for all of life’s last minute events. Oh, and did I mention that the dress is guaranteed to fit? RTR offers fit guides for every single garment and even sends you two sizes absolutely free of charge.

Still not buying it? What if I told you that that amazing five hundred dollar Badgley Mischka dress that I just saw at Saks goes for an astounding eighty dollars on RTR. Pretty incredible, huh?

That’s right, this semester, RTR makes its official, and moderately priced, debut at Appalachian State University. Not sure what you would really need a designer dress for? Think that big Valentines Day date you have coming up with your significant other, your sorority’s annual V-Day date function, or that fraternity formal you were asked to that’s still a few months away. The possibilities are truly endless.

Emma Walker, a Senior Apparel Design and Merchandising major, recently became our very own Rent the Runway Representative here at Appalachian. Through her position, she will be able to offer App students exclusive offers and discounts to make renting your perfect designer gown even more affordable.
“I know that I always have had issues finding a dress that I love enough to spend the money on but, by renting a dress, I don’t have to spend nearly as much as I usually would,” Emma said about the benefits of RTR.

For more information and exclusive offers from Rent the Runway, contact Emma Walker by email at emmawalkeraoii@gmail.com

Brittany Fielding is a senior studying Apparel Design and Merchandising at Appalachian State University. She loves to write, shop, exercise, watch sports, and spend time with her friends and family. Originally from Cleveland, OH, Brittany plans on moving back to a big city after graduation to pursue a career in fashion buying/merchandising. 
Laura Maddox is a Senior at Appalachian State University. Laura was born and raised in Charlotte, NC but loves the mountain air in Boone. She is one of four kids and has an identical twin sister. Laura enjoys reading, fashion, blogging, traveling, chocolate, lots of coffee and riding in the car with the windows down. She has a knack for creative writing, doodling and procrastination. Laura plans on moving to Boston after graduation to pursue a career in the advertising industry as a copywriter. Laura loves APP and will always be a Mountaineer fan!