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The Pope’s Message to America

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.


On September 24, 2015, the most persuasive man in Catholicism today, Pope Francis, took the platform in Congress for the first time in history and pleaded with members of Congress a message that the preponderance of Republicans might not have wanted to hear. Pope Francis pushed an array of controversial issues including immigration reform, environmental changes, helping the poor and the death penalty. 

Whether you are Catholic or not, these issues directly effect the state of our nation, and need to be discussed. The pontiff discussed these issues so that the overwhelming driving force behind his message can be summed up as basic morality, or the Golden Rule. However, these terms have different meanings to different people. In his attempt to promote the “common good,” Pope Francis shined a light on immigration reform, a popular topic in the world today.  Just consider the Syrian refugees for instance. However, some might raise the question of what the Vatican might do if immigrants came knocking on their door? While the micro-nation of Vatican City does not take refugees, the Pope did previously encourage Catholic congregations throughout Europe to each take in a family to alleviate the current refugee crisis. 

The Pope also encouraged a plan of action for climate change and an abolishment of the death penalty. Clearly, while most of these pleas do appeal to the more liberal demographic, the Pope did not hesitate to defend traditional families, mildly criticizing abortions and advocating for religious freedom. These are hot topics for our nation today with the recent legalization of gay marriage. Tackling the major issues that he did, what are we supposed to do now? Our country has been given a call to action and it is up to us to decide what to do with it. Presidential elections are around the corner and will soon determine whether or not it is realistic for these topics to be handled in the manner Pope Francis advocates.

This brings to mind a recent situation when Bernie Sanders addressed Liberty University with a familiar liberal, yet religious, approach. While the 2016  presidential candidates all have their differences with the Pope, some did manage to find common ground.  Sanders agrees with Pope Francis on social justice and income equality. Hillary Clinton concurs with the Pope’s views on income inequality and climate change. Republicans Ben Carson, Senator Marco Rubio, and Jeb Bush decided to take a more general approach in finding mutual understanding and all agreed that we should work with one another for the common good… an interesting idea in politics. 

On another hand, Senator Ted Cruz was more specific in his statements about Pope Francis’ speech and strongly disagreed with the Pope’s push to abolish the death penalty. Quite obviously the left will find more agreement with Pope Francis. Conservatives, however, cannot deny that helping the poor and offering a home to those who are lost, like immigrant refugees, are all basic, good deeds. For both parties, it is not simply a matter that can be easily answered and achieved, but both must find balance among their views; to find ways to do good, while remaining a healthy, functioning society. 

So here is my call to action for you. Regardless of what political party your family is or you even find yourself in, do your own unbiased research and when the time comes for presidential elections, vote! Be a responsible citizen and by doing so, you will be doing your part to change this nation for the better, common good.