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Meet Kate Rhudy, Member of Andy Ferrell & Oncoming Train

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Name: Kate Rhudy

Year: Freshman

Major: Music Therapy

Hometown: Raleigh, NC

(Photo by: Lou Murrey)

Q: How did you get involved with music and how long have you been playing?

A: I started playing the violin when I was 5 years old because my sister did it and I guess I wanted to be like her. We both learned the classical method of Suzuki, which focuses on learning by ear and learning from one’s environment. Classical violin wasn’t and still isn’t where my heart is, but I’m really grateful that no one ever let me give up because I wouldn’t be where I am without it. Fiddling and improvising came with being exposed to that kind of music in the car with my parents (Alison Krauss, Nanci Griffith, Nickel Creek) and at my second home in the mountains, Elk Creek, Virginia where my sister and I would attend fiddling conventions and jam sessions.  I’ve always been singing, but I started playing the guitar and writing my own music in the young teen years.

Q: Who, or what, are some of your biggest musical influences?

A: Paul Simon, Patsy Cline, Doc Watson, Nanci Griffith, Nickel Creek, Alison Krauss, Blind Pilot, Mandolin Orange, a lot of back porch music, general bluegrass, and my older sister.

Q: How did Andy Ferrell & Oncoming Train get started?

A: Well, after a couple years of college, Andy quit school altogether and decided that music was going to be his full time job. Him and our stand up bass player Zach Smith are both from Boone and were playing a bunch of Andy’s originals and some more traditional like Americana music when he went looking for a fiddle player. How I ended up in the band is, I think, pretty lucky and somewhat funny. I was at the Fox Fire (a local folk band from Brevard) show at Legends last semester and their energy and the way they interacted with the crowd really inspired me. At the show I chatted with my friend Maggie about how I played fiddle and wanted to do that someday. Maggie ended up being in the APPS office when Andy came by and asked if she knew any fiddle players. And now I’m in the band.  We actually opened up for the Fox Fire at Legends last month.  They’re great guys, and talented too. Funny how life works out sometimes.

Q: Where do you see your music taking you in the future?

A: On TONS of adventures. In terms of the near future, this summer Andy Ferrell & Oncoming Train will be going on a tour of mostly the east coast. It won’t be huge, but our hope is to find more and more people along the way who enjoy the kind of music we make and want to listen. Since we’re also good friends and a bunch of weirdos, the tour will probably end up being like one big crazy play date. I’m very excited.

Q: Where can Her Campus readers listen to your music? Live or otherwise.

A: Appalachian readers can come to the Appalachian Mountain Brewery where we play pretty frequently. You can find Andy’s music “pre Oncoming Train” on Spotify. We also have a music video coming out soon made by Mountain Wind films! Her Campus readers can like us on Facebook/follow us on Instagram (Andy & Zach call it our bandstagram) for updates and show announcements.

Q: If you could have any job in the music industry right now what would it be?

A: The one I have right now. I’m having so much fun. I wouldn’t want to skip any steps.

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Alla Hill

App State

Alla Hill is a Junior at Appalachian State University working towards a degreee in Nutrition and Foods with a concentration in Dietetics. She is originally from Greenville, SC but loves being able to call the High Country home for now! Alla's interests include creative writing, hiking, shoe shopping, cooking with friends, collecting bumper stickers, and tumblr blogging.