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The Life Lessons Found in Sex and the City

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

From an outsiders’ perspective, Sex and the City looks like a show about a group of women running around New York on sex escapades and living a rambunctious lifestyle. However, if you have ever taken the time to watch the series, you have realized that this show captures the lives of single women making their way in the world and tells unforgettable stories of friendship and love. Although this show is fictitious, there are many things you can take from the lives of Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda and here are just a few!

Hard work pays off.

Just as Carrie started out as a small freelance writer for the newspaper, then Vogue, then advanced to writing her own series of novels, we can all work toward our dreams. Carrie shows us that, yes, you may struggle at first, you may have a hard time, but the end result is worth it. If you are passionate about something, work for it—make your life what you want it to be!


You don’t need a man to have a soulmate.

Carrie, Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte understand each other, will drop anything for one another and can sense when the others are upset or need space. Who could ask for anything better? Our friends are the people who will love us unconditionally no matter what happens, and you don’t come around love like that very often. Boys can come and go and pop in and out of your life. Don’t ever sacrifice a reliable and trusting friendship for a relationship—always find the balance. Just as Sex and the City says, “maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with.”



It’s okay to be upset.

Life is tough and sometimes when something truly rocks you and flips your world upside-down, it’s okay to let it all out. All of the women on the show went through tough breakups and problems with their relationships, children and jobs, but they didn’t act as though these problems didn’t affect them. Give yourself time to be upset about something, don’t bottle up your emotions because it could blow up later on.

Have a fun life.

Work is important, obligations are important, but give yourself time to go out with your girlfriends or keep up with a hobby. Do something for yourself outside of your professional life because this is what makes you YOU! Charlotte never gave up running and Carrie never gave up her love of shopping—these are traits that define them. Stick with things that make you happy, but create a balance between them and your career.


Your 20s may not be the best years of your life.

This entire series takes place through the lives of thirty-year-old women, and their lives are not at all dull. Everyone always is broadcasting the fact that your 20s will be the best years of your life, but the “best years” don’t need to be confined to your 20s. Make every decade lively and full of fun—keep your young spirit alive! Don’t think that when your 20s are over that your golden years are over, the best years are yet to come!

A little style never hurt anyone.

One of the best parts of Sex and the City is the fashion. Everywhere these women go they dress to impress. Heels are a must and fancy fabrics make every outfit complete. Sometimes confidence has a direct correlation to the clothing you choose to wear. Wear things you love and own it! Don’t be afraid to take risks with your wardrobe—life is too short to wear boring clothes!


Love your single years.

It seems that our age everyone is rushing to be in a relationship and find “the one” to start their future with. The truth is, the person you are supposed to be with will come along when they are meant to. Enjoy your time alone because these are the years you are figuring out who you are. You can’t have someone love you, until you learn to love yourself. Take this time to try new things; see what you love and what you don’t love and what kind of people make you the happiest. Carrie didn’t marry Mr. Big until she was 40 and lived a completely happy life, Samantha never married, and Charlotte and Miranda both had a late start in comparison to society’s standards. There is no need to rush a relationship because the most important relationship you can have is the one with yourself! 


Senior Advertising major, Art minor at Appalachian State University.