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Holiday Gift Guide for Men

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

Shopping for the men in your life can be way harder than most originally anticipate. You can’t just grab them a Starbucks gift card or some new Essie nail polish, so what does he really want? Whether he’s your serious boyfriend or one of the people you’ve become closest to at ASU, we have holiday gift choices for every budget and situation.

Food + Drink

  • It’s no secret that college men love beer. Whether it’s cost-effective PBR (gross) or imported straight from Belgium with no English on the label, everyone has their favorite. Get any 21+ guy a six pack of his preferred brew of choice and tie a bow on it… trust me, he won’t complain about the lack of gift packaging. If you’re unsure about what he likes, stop by Peabody’s and get an employee to help you make a mix-and-match six pack.
  • If he prefers bourbon, try Woodford Reserve, the bottle itself is worthy of display.
  • Looking for something a little more creative? Try Teraforma Whisky Stones, they’ll keep his drink cold without any melting and diluting.
  • You can’t go wrong with taking him out to dinner (think the Peddler or Makotos instead of Casa Rustica or Crave). If you’re up to the challenge of cooking, GQ’s website has a section of recipes that have been tested and approved by men.
  • While some guys may balk at weird food combinations, the dangerous combination of chocolate and bacon might make him rethink his taste in sweets.


  • Did he throw a party when the NBA season was reinstated? Pick up a vintage snapback from his favorite team from Mitchell & Ness. Their “Hardwood Classics” collection is the perfect amount of old-school to make you the most impressive gift-giver in any man’s life.
  • If he’s a lifelong fan that has grown up with a team, there is a plethora of old-school athletic apparel, as well as the option for custom orders at Ebbets Field Flannels.
  • It sounds too simple, but does he have a football? Every man that is remotely interested in sports needs one, it’s just fact. If he already owns every piece of sports memorabilia imaginable, go one step further and get him a Leather Head handmade football that he can show off and use for years.
  • Tickets to any game where his team is playing are always a no-fail idea if you’re willing to plan and pay for a more involved gift. Stub Hub is a great place to look, no matter what the sport.



  • Is he still a kid at heart? Or perhaps you want to stay away from getting him anything too serious? You can do no wrong when you give a man a remote controlled helicopter. Seriously, it may sound ridiculous, but he’ll be setting up obstacle courses and landing pads within five minutes of figuring out how to operate the thing.
  • If he seriously loves his Xbox360 or PS3, you really can’t go wrong with getting him a new game or even an extra controller, especially if he only has one. Just keep in mind that picking him up Assassins Creed: Revelations or Modern Warfare 3 may ensue in a weekend-long gaming fest in his dark living room.
  • So he isn’t really into video games, but loves stumbling across a good arcade? Big Buck Hunter works with any standard tv, no gaming console needed, and will provide hours of competitive fun. It’s affordable, albeit cheesy, and draws in guys who are dying to get the highest score.


  • Any gentleman loves a good tie. No matter what his style, you’re sure to find the perfect fit among the hundreds of traditional and bow ties that The Tie Bar has to offer. If you’re looking for something a little more unique, Etsy offers a multitude of ties, as well as personalized tie clips and custom orders.
  • If he doesn’t own a watch, it is probably due to one of two reasons: 1) Watches aren’t his “thing” or 2) He simply doesn’t own a watch he likes and would never buy one for himself. Major department stores like Nordstrom usually have the best selection of watches, but if you’re looking for something more casual, Timex is classic and affordable. Recommended: the Timex Weekender, a casual watch with interchangeable bands that won’t make him look like he’s trying too hard.
  • Although we don’t usually go to the Tanger Outlets in Blowing Rock for the men’s sections of the stores, you can find a lot of great, affordable pieces to add to his wardrobe. J Crew Factory has great flannels and casual sweaters, while Polo offers more classic staples like thick cable knits and crisp button downs. Banana Republic and Gap are also great places to pick up a few things for any guy, whether you’re looking for thermals or dress shirts.

Music + Entertainment

  • As previously stated, tickets to see his favorite band are a surefire way to dazzle him during the holidays. Research either a specific venue or artist to make sure you find tickets for a night and gift he will never forget.
  • If he’s into guitars, he’ll find a million ways to use a Pick Punch, a stapler-like tool that makes custom guitar picks out of any usable plastic material. Perfect for that old AppCard that he lost, replaced, and then found behind his dresser.
  • While it won’t start immediately, order him a subscription to his favorite magazine that he’d never be willing to pay for himself. Whether it is Rolling Stone, Esquire, GQ, or even Time, it’s like a year-long gift delivered to his mailbox every month. Just buy him the current issue and slide his subscription info inside.
  • If he’s surgically attached to his iPhone or iPod, consider picking him up some speakers that allow him to enjoy his favorite artists in any location. CNET’s website has a comprehensive list of reviews for speakers ranging from budget-friendly to the best bass money can buy. 
Laura Maddox is a Senior at Appalachian State University. Laura was born and raised in Charlotte, NC but loves the mountain air in Boone. She is one of four kids and has an identical twin sister. Laura enjoys reading, fashion, blogging, traveling, chocolate, lots of coffee and riding in the car with the windows down. She has a knack for creative writing, doodling and procrastination. Laura plans on moving to Boston after graduation to pursue a career in the advertising industry as a copywriter. Laura loves APP and will always be a Mountaineer fan!